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on Washington D.C., has started
and it's about half of the
100, 000 estimated crowd
headed off down Constitution Avenue
toward the Lincoln Memorial
You boys stop that wrestling.
Come and help Miss Laura
with her groceries.
...coming in around the plaza
surrounding Lincoln Memorial.
They say over 100,000 people are there. standing by along the parade
route at 17th and Constitution.
Can you imagine?
Might as well be half way
around the world.
- What?
- Nothing.
You know what you need to do?
You need to write Bobby Kennedy.
I'm serious.
I mean, that's what they up there for.
All this talk of civil rights.
You need to get you some civil rights.
...engaged in demonstrations before.
In the background, you can hear
some of the young people shouting.
"Freedom, freedom now."
young - giovane
there - là
started - iniziato
shouting - urlando
serious - grave
rights - diritti
plaza - plaza
toward - verso
people - persone
nothing - niente
might - potrebbe
parade - parata
constitution - costituzione
surrounding - circostante
coming - venuta
imagine - immaginare
civil - civile
about - di
around - in giro
background - sfondo
along - lungo
before - prima
standing - in piedi
memorial - memoriale
crowd - folla
wrestling - lotta
route - itinerario
demonstrations - dimostrazioni
engaged - impegnato
estimated - stimato
avenue - viale
freedom - la libertà
write - scrivi
headed - intestata
laura - laura
world - mondo
groceries - drogheria
kennedy - kennedy
washington - Washington
bobby - poliziotto
lincoln - lincoln
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