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Oh, Walter, look!
These adorable little freaks are headed to Orlando, too!
Yeah, I see that! Hey, Walter Junior!
What's happenin'?
- Tina. - Hi!
- Binky. - Mmm
What do you say we give these fellows a ride?
Yay! New friends!
All aboard the Nelson Express!
You, one-eye! You're sitting next to me!
Glad we came along before some weirdos picked you up!
Who wants apple slices?
Oh, you, too!
Growing boy-like creatures need their strength.
Heck, yeah!
Thanks, man!
All righty! Who needs to stretch their legs?
- Yeah! - Yes! Me, me, me!
You guys wait here, we'll be right back.
Okay, Nelsons, let's do this!
Go, go, go!
- Okey-dokey. - On the road again.
Dad! We got company!
It's because I tripped the alarm. I stink!
Hey, we all make mistakes, sugarplum. You're still learning.
- Your father's right, Tina. - Reload!
He wasn't this good at being evil overnight!
Reload! Your time's coming.
It's jammed!
- Okay, who did that? - Uh... the Stuart!
That was great!
Thank you!
weirdos - weirdos
wants - vuole
tripped - scattato
these - queste
great - grande
freaks - freak
fellows - compagni
along - lungo
creatures - creature
company - azienda
growing - in crescita
junior - junior
alarm - allarme
still - ancora
headed - intestata
adorable - adorabile
reload - ricaricare
coming - venuta
because - perché
overnight - durante la notte
before - prima
dokey - dokey
strength - forza
express - esprimere
apple - mela
aboard - a bordo
being - essere
their - loro
right - destra
little - piccolo
learning - apprendimento
mistakes - errori
jammed - inceppata
binky - binky
needs - esigenze
nelson - nelson
walter - walter
nelsons - Nelson
picked - raccolto
righty - righty
orlando - orlando
sitting - seduta
again - ancora
slices - fette
thank - ringraziare
stink - puzza
friends - amici
thanks - grazie
stretch - allungare
stuart - stuart
sugarplum - sugar plum
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