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Nurse 3-D - Sexual Obsession (It)

Scena tratta dal film Nurse - L'Infermiera
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    As I watched
    Danni's little round ass,

    the same one that I had
    eaten the night before,

    prior to finger-fucking
    her to six orgasms,

    and when I saw those tacky ten-dollar
    flowers from dickless little Steve,

    I couldn't control myself.

    Fuck him. Fuck her.

    I'm not some fuck toy to be
    played with and tossed aside.

    She needs me.
    Whether she knows it or not.

    I'm so clumsy.

    It's okay.
    Just be careful.

    I'll replace the vase.

    It's fine. Here.

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