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Hey! Hey! What up?
You must be my roommates.
What... what's your name?
- Sebastian Hastings. - Duke Orsino.
This is Andrew and Toby. They live next door.
Yeah. Freshman dorm's that-a-way, twiglet.
Seriously, how old are you?
I skipped a couple grades.
I'm brilliant.
Anyway, do you know when soccer tryouts start?
Noon. You play?
Absolutely. Center forward. You know it, bro.
So you play the beautiful game... bro?
Brothers? Brethren?
Yeah, I'm a striker. Andrew and Toby are halfbacks.
OK, why do you have tampons in your boot?
I get really bad nose bleeds.
- So, you stick them up your nose? - Yeah.
What? You... You've never done that?
Oh, my... Beckham does it all the time.
- Seriously? - Yes.
Look. I'll just show you how to do it.
Take that off and... what that is.
And you stick it right in.
It absorbs right up.
That's disgusting.
Oh, my God, your roommate's a freak.
twiglet - twiglet
tryouts - provini
stick - bastone
start - inizio
soccer - calcio
tampons - assorbente interno
skipped - saltato
right - destra
sebastian - sebastian
brethren - confratelli
beckham - beckham
bleeds - sanguina
absolutely - assolutamente
absorbs - assorbe
brothers - fratelli
seriously - sul serio
roommates - compagni di stanza
brilliant - brillante
forward - inoltrare
anyway - comunque
really - veramente
center - centro
striker - attaccante
couple - coppia
hastings - hastings
freak - mostro
freshman - matricola
beautiful - bellissimo
grades - voti
andrew - andrea
disgusting - disgustoso
halfbacks - mediani
never - mai
schveet - schveet
orsino - orsino
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