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She was so sweet,
but you could see it in her eyes.
She liked to be naked, to suck cock.
Okay, Mr. Breene.
Then she asked me
if she can have a glass of water?
Alone, in the kitchen,
like that's no big deal?
- Well, why was that a big deal?
- It was obvious.
She wanted me to pull out my thing
so that she could laugh at it.
Mr. Breene. We need to ask
you some questions, okay?
When I cut her, she screamed.
But she scared me.
- What did she expect?
- Interesting.
But we're here
to talk about Rachel Solando, okay?
Rachel Solando. Do you...
Do you know that
she drowned her own kids?
She drowned her kids!
This is... This is a sick fucking world
we live in, I'll tell you that.
But you know what?
They should be gassed.
All of them.
The, the, the retards, the killers, the niggers.
You kill your own kid, gas the bitch.
Could you stop that?
- That nurse...
- Please, stop that.
That nurse, maybe, maybe she had kids, huh?
A husband.
Just trying to make ends meet,
lead a normal life.
And it says in your file that
you tore her face off. Didn't you?
Congratulations. No more normal
for her, not ever again. No.
Do you know what she was afraid of?
Could you stop that? Please?
Stop that!
Please! Stop!
Do you know a patient
named Andrew Laeddis? Do you?
No! No.
water - acqua
trying - provare
scared - impaurito
rachel - rachel
please - per favore
should - dovrebbero
patient - paziente
wanted - ricercato
nurse - infermiera
niggers - negri
named - di nome
thing - cosa
naked - nudo
maybe - può essere
obvious - evidente
alone - da solo
fucking - cazzo
about - di
asked - chiesto
questions - le domande
congratulations - complimenti
andrew - andrea
liked - è piaciuto
world - mondo
afraid - impaurito
bitch - cagna
normal - normale
kitchen - cucina
could - poteva
breene - breene
husband - marito
sweet - dolce
drowned - affogato
retards - ritarda
expect - aspettarsi
screamed - urlato
gassed - gasato
glass - bicchiere
interesting - interessante
solando - solando
killers - killer
laugh - ridere
again - ancora
laeddis - laeddis
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