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Shutter Island - Could You Stop That? (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    She was so sweet,
    but you could see it in her eyes.

    She liked to be naked, to suck cock.

    Okay, Mr. Breene.

    Then she asked me
    if she can have a glass of water?

    Alone, in the kitchen,
    like that's no big deal?

    - Well, why was that a big deal?
    - It was obvious.

    She wanted me to pull out my thing
    so that she could laugh at it.

    Mr. Breene. We need to ask
    you some questions, okay?

    When I cut her, she screamed.

    But she scared me.

    - What did she expect?
    - Interesting.

    But we're here
    to talk about Rachel Solando, okay?

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