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Straight Outta Compton - Gangsta Gangsta (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    I look in your eyes
    and I see a Capricorn.

    You're a Capricorn, right?

    I can look at a girl
    and I know their sign.

    It's just something I do.

    - Look, I hope I'm not disrespecting you, right?
    - Uh-uh. Not at all.

    Lonzo coming, man.

    - No, no, no, no. "Weak at the Knees."
    - Huh?

    - "Weak at the Knees."
    - Oh.

    Hey. I'm gonna go outside,
    make sure nothing's poppin' off, right?

    I want you to keep
    these fat asses shakin'.

    Don't play none of that
    street-ass rap shit, all right?

    I want these motherfuckers
    thinkin' about pussy, not pistols.

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