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Hello. Could I please have a Stoli and tonic,
a Bloody Mary, and a lime daiquiri, please?
Well, look what the cat dragged in.
What have we got here, eh?
A couple of showgirls, have we?
Where did you ladies come in from? Uranus?
- Could I please have a Stoli... - No! You can't have.
You can't have nothing.
We've got nothing here for people like you.
Now listen here, you mullet.
Why don't you just light your tampon and blow your box apart,
because it's the only bang you're ever gonna get, sweetheart.
Now, what could be more soothing
than coming home after a hard day's work down the mine
to the Wo-Man in us all?
Now, don't send any money, okay?
All I can see is female impersonators.
This has gotta be a first.
Nobody has ever out-drunk old Shirl before.
Where'd you learn to throw them back like that?
That's our girl, Bernadette.
I just knew that stumbling around the pub circuit with Les Girls
for 200 years must've taught her something.
- You're a bloody marvel, Bernie. - Bernadette, please.
- What's that? - My name isn't Bernie.
She said her name isn't Bernie.
It's Ralph!
where - dove
gotta - devo
apart - a parte
listen - ascolta
girls - ragazze
female - femmina
sweetheart - tesoro
hello - ciao
taught - insegnato
ralph - ralph
drunk - ubriaco
showgirls -
gonna - andando
couple - coppia
could - poteva
people - persone
bernadette - bernadette
bloody - sanguinoso
because - perché
coming - venuta
first - primo
years - anni
around - in giro
marvel - meraviglia
impersonators - imitatori
after - dopo
before - prima
daiquiri - daiquiri
bernie - bernie
tonic - tonico
circuit - circuito
learn - imparare
light - leggero
something - qualcosa
uranus - Urano
money - i soldi
mullet - triglia
dragged - trascinato
nobody - nessuno
nothing - niente
soothing - lenitivo
ladies - le signore
throw - gettare
please - per favore
shirl - Shirl
stumbling - inciampando
stoli - Stoli
tampon - tampone
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