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One day I'll tell you everything. There's no time now.
I began five years ago in secret,
working all night, every night, right into the dawn.
A thousand experiments, a thousand failures.
And then, at last, the great, wonderful day.
But, Griffin, it's ghastly.
The great, wonderful day.
The last little mixture of drugs.
I couldn't stay here any longer, Kemp.
I couldn't let you see me slowly fading away.
So I packed up and went to a little village for secrecy and quiet,
to finish the experiment and complete the antidote,
the way back to visible man again.
I meant to come back just as I was when you saw me last.
The fools wouldn't let me work in peace.
I had to teach them a lesson.
But why... Why do it, Griffin?
Just a scientific experiment at first. That's all.
To do something no other man in the world had done.
But there's more to it than that, Kemp. I know now.
It came to me suddenly. The drugs I took seemed to light up my brain.
Suddenly I realized the power I held.
The power to rule, to make the world grovel at my feet.
We'll soon put the world right now, Kemp.
You and I.
I? You mean...
I must have a partner, Kemp.
A visible partner to help me in the little things.
You're my partner, Kemp.
We'll begin with a reign of terror,
a few murders here and there.
Murders of great men, murders of little men,
just to show we make no distinction.
We might even wreck a train or two.
Just these fingers around a signalman's throat.
That's all.
Griffin, for heaven's sake!
You want me to take these off?
No, no.
Very well, then. We'll make our plans tomorrow.
Tonight we have a small job to do.
Go and get your car out, Kemp.
Why? Where are we going?
Back to the village I left this morning.
I came away without my notebooks.
They contain all the results of my experiments.
I must have them here.
But it's past 8:00.
It's only 15 miles. Go now, quickly.
And take a bag with you for the books.
Put a warm rug in the car.
It's cold outside when you have to go about naked.
wreck - relitto
without - senza
where - dove
visible - visibile
village - villaggio
thousand - mille
things - cose
train - treno
these - queste
terror - terrore
suddenly - ad un tratto
something - qualcosa
small - piccolo
slowly - lentamente
seemed - sembrava
secret - segreto
tomorrow - domani
scientific - scientifico
right - destra
results - risultati
reign - regno
quickly - velocemente
power - energia
fingers - dita
finish - finire
again - ancora
there - là
griffin - grifone
mixture - miscela
experiment - sperimentare
fading - dissolvenza
everything - qualunque cosa
every - dejte pozor
drugs - farmaci
murders - omicidi
notebooks - i quaderni
books - libri
brain - cervello
wonderful - meraviglioso
antidote - antidoto
working - lavoro
partner - compagno
experiments - esperimenti
begin - inizio
tonight - stasera
began - iniziato
morning - mattina
world - mondo
outside - al di fuori
complete - completare
realized - realizzato
first - primo
secrecy - segretezza
might - potrebbe
distinction - distinzione
throat - gola
teach - insegnare
miles - miglia
naked - nudo
years - anni
plans - piani
around - in giro
quiet - silenzioso
ghastly - orribile
going - andando
grovel - strisciare
lesson - lezione
fools - sciocchi
little - piccolo
longer - più a lungo
night - notte
meant - significava
failures - fallimenti
about - di
other - altro
great - grande
light - leggero
peace - pace
contain - contenere
packed - confezionato
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