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The Break-Up - I'm Done! (It)

Scena tratta dal film Ti odio, ti lascio, ti...
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Come on. You knew I was working
    today and I made that meal and...

    you could have thought to yourself,
    you know, you could have said,

    Yeah, I think I'm gonna
    get Brooke some flowers.

    You said on our very first date
    that you don't like flowers,

    that they're a waste of money.

    Every girl likes flowers, Gary.

    You said that you
    don't like flowers.

    I'm supposed to take that to
    mean that you do like flowers?

    No. This is not about... You don't,
    You're not... You...

    You're not getting this, Gary, okay?
    It's not about the lemons.

    It's not about the flowers.
    It's not about the dishes.

    It's just about... How many times do I
    have to drop hints about the ballet?

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