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Dear Edward, I've gone
back and forth the last few days..
trying to decide whether or not
I should even write this.
In the end, I realized
I would regret it if I didn't...
so here goes.
I know the last time
we saw each other
we weren't exactly hitting
the sweetest notes.
It certainly wasn't the way
I wanted the trip to end.
I suppose I'm responsible,
and for that I'm sorry.
But, in all honesty,
if I had the chance, I'd do it again.
Virginia said I left a stranger
and came back a husband.
I owe that to you.
There's no way I can repay you
for all you've done for me...
so rather than try
I'm Just going to ask you to
do something else for me.
Find the Joy in your life.
You once said you're not everyone.
Well, that's true.
You're certainly not everyone.
But everyone is everyone.
My pastor always says:
Our lives are streams...
flowing into the same river...
towards whatever heaven lies
in the mist beyond the falls.
Hello, sweetie. Hi.
Find the Joy in your life, Edward.
My dear friend...
close your eyes
and let the waters take you home.
write - scrivi
honesty - onestà
friend - amico
hello - ciao
stranger - sconosciuto
waters - acque
husband - marito
lives - vite
streams - flussi
beyond - al di là
heaven - paradiso
always - sempre
forth - via
sorry - scusa
flowing - fluente
close - vicino
decide - decidere
responsible - responsabile
other - altro
edward - edward
chance - opportunità
again - ancora
certainly - certamente
regret - rimpiangere
whatever - qualunque cosa
hitting - colpire
notes - gli appunti
would - voluto
exactly - di preciso
pastor - pastore
rather - piuttosto
realized - realizzato
river - fiume
repay - rimborsare
should - dovrebbero
something - qualcosa
suppose - supporre
sweetest - più dolce
sweetie - dolcezza
everyone - tutti
towards - in direzione
falls - cadute
trying - provare
going - andando
wanted - ricercato
virginia - Virginia
whether - se
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