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Can Charlie come out and play?
The first night, we had grilled stickies.
So good.
You have to visit in the fall.
We'll have some, okay?
Oh sorry...
Charlie has a breakdown
scheduled for October.
Well, can I tell you something?
I've been away for two months.
It's another world.
And it gets better.
And my room mate Katie
has the best taste in music.
I found the tunnel song.
Let's drive.
I don't know if I will have the time
to write any more letters...
because I might be too busy
trying to participate.
So, if this does end up
being the last letter...
I just want you to know that I was in a bad
place before I started high school.
And you helped me.
Even if you didn't know
what I was talking about...
or know someone who's gone through it.
You made me not feel alone.
Because I know there are people
who say all these things don't happen.
There are people who forget what it's like
to be 16 when they turn 17.
I know these will all be stories someday.
And our pictures will
become old photographs.
And we'll all become somebody's mom or dad.
But right now these moments
are not stories.
This is happening.
I am here.
And I am looking at her.
And she is so beautiful.
I can see it.
This one moment when you know
you're not a sad story.
You are alive.
And you stand up and see the lights
on the buildings...
and everything that makes you wonder.
And you're listening
to that song on that drive...
with the people you love
most in this world.
And in this moment, I swear...
we are infinite.
write - scrivi
world - mondo
trying - provare
through - attraverso
these - queste
taste - gusto
visit - visita
swear - giurare
story - storia
stories - storie
stickies - Stickies
sorry - scusa
something - qualcosa
happening - avvenimento
first - primo
forget - dimenticare
wonder - meravigliarsi
better - meglio
participate - partecipare
drive - guidare
letter - lettera
stand - stare in piedi
charlie - charlie
before - prima
breakdown - abbattersi
moments - momenti
alone - da solo
helped - aiutato
talking - parlando
about - di
tunnel - tunnel
beautiful - bellissimo
letters - lettere
place - posto
another - un altro
everything - qualunque cosa
because - perché
there - là
someday - un giorno
school - scuola
happen - accadere
grilled - alla griglia
someone - qualcuno
buildings - edifici
katie - katie
become - diventare
being - essere
infinite - infinito
alive - vivo
months - mesi
definitely - decisamente
listening - ascoltando
music - musica
found - trovato
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
pictures - immagini
makes - fa
night - notte
might - potrebbe
moment - momento
october - ottobre
things - cose
started - iniziato
people - persone
photographs - fotografie
lights - luci
right - destra
scheduled - in programma
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