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The Wolfman - You're Trespassing (It)

Scena tratta dal film Wolfman
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Hello, doctor. I thought our
    appointment wasn't till Friday.

    Come with us.

    It's nearly the full moon.

    You were bitten by the beast.
    You bear his mark now.

    Mr. Talbot.

    There are many of us here
    who are looking for a natural explanation.

    - Help us.
    - Come on, Talbot. Show us your wound.

    We are told it heals in an unnatural way.

    Get your hands off.

    Will you let him murder
    your wives and children?

    My eyes! Damn you, Talbot!

    Sorry, colonel. I meant to shoot you.

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