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Hello, doctor. I thought our
appointment wasn't till Friday.
Come with us.
It's nearly the full moon.
You were bitten by the beast.
You bear his mark now.
Mr. Talbot.
There are many of us here
who are looking for a natural explanation.
- Help us.
- Come on, Talbot. Show us your wound.
We are told it heals in an unnatural way.
Get your hands off.
Will you let him murder
your wives and children?
My eyes! Damn you, Talbot!
Sorry, colonel. I meant to shoot you.
Sadly, I'm not the marksman I used to be.
I must be getting old.
He's cursed. God has forsaken him.
Let us deal with him.
You know you're trespassing
on my lands
and I could shoot you on
the spot right now.
My Sikh manservant, he's on the roof,
and he happens to be a crack shot
with a repeating rifle.
And he will kill you.
He'll kill the next eight of you
before he has to reload, so...
please take yourself off my land.
And if I see any of you
trespassing this way again,
I won't be so civil, if
you take my meaning.
Good day to you, colonel.
You're bleeding.
How could they possibly think
he's a threat to them?
Well, he's a stranger here in blackmoor,
miss conliffe,
and that makes him very dangerous.
Thank you.
Yes. You can also thank Singh
when he returns from the village.
You're not the only one in the family
who can act.
yourself - te stesso
trespassing - violazione di domicilio
threat - minaccia
unnatural - innaturale
thought - pensato
thank - ringraziare
talbot - talbot
stranger - sconosciuto
sorry - scusa
hands - mani
sadly - purtroppo
friday - venerdì
happens - accade
family - famiglia
singh - Singh
eight - otto
forsaken - abbandonato
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
dangerous - pericoloso
repeating - ripetendo
could - poteva
before - prima
bitten - morso
colonel - colonnello
doctor - medico
conliffe - conliffe
hello - ciao
cursed - maledetto
makes - fa
wives - mogli
blackmoor - blackmoor
lands - terre
appointment - appuntamento
natural - naturale
again - ancora
wound - ferita
getting - ottenere
bleeding - emorragia
children - bambini
heals - guarisce
beast - bestia
returns - ritorna
marksman - tiratore scelto
civil - civile
meant - significava
crack - crepa
manservant - cameriere
rifle - fucile
meaning - senso
murder - omicidio
think - pensare
explanation - spiegazione
nearly - quasi
please - per favore
possibly - possibilmente
village - villaggio
reload - ricaricare
right - destra
there - là
shoot - sparare
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