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The End of the Tour - Welcome to Minneapolis (It)

Scena tratta dal film Un viaggio con David Foster Wallace
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    I think that's her.

    Just as I pictured.

    - Mr. Wallace. - Dave.

    - I recognize you from your photograph. - Okay.

    I'm Patty Gunderson.

    - And welcome to Minneapolis. - Ah, well, thank you, Patty.

    Hi, I'm, I'm David Lipsky.

    - Okay, David and David. That's easy. - Yeah.

    It's a twin city, so...

    We only just met. He's writing a piece on the tour.

    Should we get going?

    Yes, come on, come on.

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