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He does not contribute.
He's a man who walks
in front of bullets!
Mr. LaBoeuf drew single-handed
upon the Lucky Ned Pepper gang
while we fired safely from cover.
It is unfair to indict a man when
his jaw is swollen and tongue mangled
and who is therefore unable
to rise to his own defense!
I can speak for myself.
I am hardly obliged to answer
the ravings of a drunkard.
It is beneath me.
I shall make my own camp elsewhere.
It is you who have
nothing to offer, Cogburn.
A sad picture indeed.
This is no longer a
manhunt. It is a debauch.
The Texas Ranger presses on alone.
Take the girl. I bow out.
A fine thing to decide
once you brought her
into the middle of the Choctaw Nation.
I bow out! I wash my hands!
Gentlemen, we cannot
fall out in this fashion.
Not so close to our goal,
with Tom Chaney nearly in hand.
In hand?
If he is not in a shallow grave
somewhere between here
and Fort Smith, he is gone!
Long gone!
Thanks to Mr. LaBoeuf,
we missed our shot.
We've barked, and the birds have flown!
Gone, gone, gone!
Lucky Ned and his cohort gone.
Your $50 gone!
Gone the whiskey, seized in evidence!
The trail is cold,
if there ever was one.
I'm a foolish old man who has
been drawn into a wild-goose chase
by a harpy in trousers and a nincompoop!
Well, Mr. LaBoeuf, he can wander the
Choctaw Nation for as long as he likes.
Perhaps the local
Indians will take him in
and honor his gibberings
by making him chief!
You, sister, may go where you like.
Our engagement is terminated.
I bow out.
whiskey - whisky
where - dove
unfair - sleale
trousers - pantaloni
there - là
thanks - grazie
swollen - gonfio
somewhere - da qualche parte
smith - fabbro
while - mentre
single - singolo
sister - sorella
shall - deve
ravings - deliri
presses - presse
picture - immagine
offer - offrire
obliged - obbligato
unable - incapace
trail - pista
thing - cosa
nothing - niente
tongue - lingua
nation - nazione
shallow - superficiale
myself - me stessa
missed - perse
mangled - maciullato
making - fabbricazione
drawn - disegnato
safely - tranquillamente
debauch - corrompere
cohort - coorte
seized - sequestrati
alone - da solo
longer - più a lungo
choctaw - Choctaw
decide - decidere
close - vicino
hands - mani
cover - copertina
barked - abbaiò
nincompoop - sempliciotto
contribute - contribuire
lucky - fortunato
chase - inseguire
answer - risposta
brought - portato
wander - vagare
terminated - terminata
ranger - guardia forestale
cogburn - cogburn
foolish - folle
between - fra
chaney - Chaney
likes - piace
beneath - sotto
engagement - fidanzamento
middle - in mezzo
honor - onore
bullets - proiettili
chief - capo
defense - difesa
indians - indiani
walks - passeggiate
elsewhere - altrove
therefore - perciò
evidence - prova
texas - Texas
speak - parlare
fashion - moda
handed - consegnato
perhaps - forse
flown - volato
birds - uccelli
goose - oca
local - locale
front - davanti
gentlemen - gentiluomini
nearly - quasi
manhunt - caccia all'uomo
gibberings - gibberings
grave - tomba
cannot - non può
hardly - quasi
harpy - arpia
pepper - Pepe
indeed - infatti
drunkard - ubriacone
laboeuf - laboeuf
fired - licenziato
indict - incriminare
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