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I worried about you last night. You shouldn't have run off that way.
Well, I... I suddenly felt such a fool.
Well, I wanted to drive you home. Are you all right?
Oh, yes. Yes, I'm fine. No aftereffects.
But as I remember now, the water was cold, wasn't it?
- It sure was. - What a terrible thing for me to do.
You were so kind.
It's a, a formal thank-you note and a great big apology.
- Well, you've nothing to apologize for. - Oh, yes, I do.
The whole thing must have been so embarrassing for you.
Not at all. I enjoyed... Talking to you.
Well, I enjoyed talking to you.
Well, I'll get my mail.
- Would you like to have a cup of coffee? - No, thank you.
Oh, I couldn't mail it. I didn't know your address
but I had a landmark. I remembered Coit Tower.
It led me straight to you.
That's the first time I've been grateful for Coit Tower.
- I hope we will too. - What?
- Meet again sometime. - We have.
Where are you going?
Oh, I don't know.
- Shopping? - No.
Well, anywhere in particular?
No. I just thought that I'd wander.
Oh. That's what I was going to do.
Oh, yes, that's right. I forgot. It's your occupation, isn't it?
Well, but don't you think it's kind of a waste for the two of us
- To wander separately? - Uh-huh.
But only one is a wanderer.
Two together are always going somewhere.
No, I don't think that's necessarily true.
- You left your door open. - Right back.
would - voluto
worried - preoccupato
whole - totale
where - dove
necessarily - necessariamente
landmark - punto di riferimento
great - grande
thought - pensato
forgot - dimenticato
enjoyed - goduto
grateful - grato
embarrassing - imbarazzante
aftereffects - effetti postumi
address - indirizzo
wanderer - vagabondo
coffee - caffè
again - ancora
apologize - scusarsi
always - sempre
remember - ricorda
talking - parlando
about - di
waste - rifiuto
together - insieme
straight - dritto
drive - guidare
night - notte
water - acqua
anywhere - dovunque
going - andando
wanted - ricercato
apology - scusa
terrible - terribile
occupation - occupazione
particular - particolare
wander - vagare
remembered - ricordato
separately - separatamente
right - destra
shopping - shopping
first - primo
sometime - a volte
somewhere - da qualche parte
suddenly - ad un tratto
formal - formale
thank - ringraziare
nothing - niente
thing - cosa
tower - torre
think - pensare
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