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Pronuncia di ain in Inglese


Esempi dai film con Ain

I ain't never heard of no Kansas Bible Company.
Paper Moon - Bible Salesmen
and I still ain't found what I'm looking for yet.
48 Hrs. - I Hate Rednecks
You're workin' your head off, ain't you?
Tom Sawyer - Whitewashin'
He's doin' your whitewashin', ain't he?
Tom Sawyer - Whitewashin'
unless they ain't got major medical.
John Q - Hypocritical Oath
And if she ain't there, take what you can get.
Class - Jesus Is My Roommate
Which means that the MGM deal ain't gonna happen...
Argo - A Fake Movie
...and your script ain't worth the buffalo shit on a nickel.
Argo - A Fake Movie
All right, me old mucker. Have a shake, then, I ain't got the clap or nothing.
Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj - Sexy Sadie
That ain't a finger hole you sick bastard!
Men in Black 3 - Bowling Ball Head
Oh, no, we ain't no gang. We just, you know, some folks.
Life of Crime - A New Plan
I ain't even thinking about you. Look.
Full Frontal - Love Letter
What do you mean you guess? You don't know? You either ready or you ain't.
Head of State - Dress for the Job You Want
"Get the door for me. How am I walk in and you ain't open the door?"
Think Like a Man - Honesty is Overrated
- I ain't seen them. - I think they went over to...
Delta Farce - Sgt. Kilgore
I'd like to put that bitch in the ground myself, but I ain't magical.
Pootie Tang - Pootie's Bad Time Burgers

Pronuncia audio di Ain

Pronuncia americana

Ain pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Ain pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Ain pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Ain pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Ain pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Ain pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Ain pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Ain pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Ain pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Ain pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Ain pronunciato da Brian (uomo)

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