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Pronuncia di car in Inglese

  • macchina
  • vettura
  • automobile
  • carro
  • carrozza

Esempi dai film con Car

By the time I get her to the car. Nancy stops shaking.
Sin City - An Old Man Dies
Arthur, your safari into the pointless ends now. Get in the car.
Arthur - I Don't Date Boys Who Have Nannies
the homeless guy at the car wash who looks like Kris Kristofferson
The Change-Up - We Always Come Second
They caught him and chained him to the engine of a car.
A Mighty Heart - The Courage to Endure
Send a car for my wife and flowers.
Unlocked - Go Order
My car was crushed by a reversing cement truck.
High-Rise - The Architect
Do you know how long that would take by car, Rebecca?
The Visit - Those Aren't Your Grandparents
Okay. I'm gonna keep calling from the car, I promise.
The Visit - Those Aren't Your Grandparents
If she ain't home at 10:01, I'm in the car, okay?
Bad Boys II - Intimidating Reggie
Put your fucking foot on the gas and drive the goddamn car.
Baby Driver - A Score for a Score
We about to go in, he won't get out the fucking car. Why?
Baby Driver - A Score for a Score
You did. In the car before we crashed.
The Nice Guys - Cold Coffee
Could you carry this to my car for me? It's just outside.
Beauty Shop - Airbags for Breasts
Okay, if you can just tell her I need the car right now,
The Purge: Anarchy - Cheaters Deserve to Die

Pronuncia audio di Car

Pronuncia americana

Car pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Car pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Car pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Car pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Car pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Car pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Car pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Car pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Car pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Car pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Car pronunciato da Brian (uomo)