Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

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Pronuncia di deep in Inglese

in profondità
  • profondità
  • abisso
  • intimità
  • profondo
  • fondo
  • intenso
  • alto
  • forte
  • cupo
  • largo
  • grave
  • vivo
  • molto

Esempi dai film con Deep

...and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
The Matrix - Blue Pill or Red Pill
Imhotep dared the gods' anger by going deep into the city...
The Mummy - Imhotep Is Mummified Alive
You know, deep down the side that you wish you were black.
Do the Right Thing - Racist Stereotypes
...shrimp gumbo, pan fried, deep fried, stir fried.
Forrest Gump - Bubba on Shrimp
"In Too Deep" is the most moving pop song of the 1980s...
American Psycho - Sussudio
and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.
Bull Durha - What Crash Believes
who were buried too deep to get out of their coffins.
Fido - Dead or Alive?
That why I know, Norbit, deep down inside, you very, very strong.
Norbit - Mr. Wong's Toast
- There you are. - You're in deep, homes.
Employee of the Month - Box Boy
when you are knee-deep in Kleenex, and your face looks like a punching bag,
Someone Like You... - Dr. Charles Revealed
unless we go deep at 160 meters,
U-571 - Tyler's Plan
I could teach you about strength that lies deep within.
The Foot Fist Way - Ju-jitsu Sucks
Great creatures of the deep that are no more.
Noah - Creation Sequence
I need you to breathe. There you go. Deep breaths.
Captain Phillips - You're Safe Now
Deep into the sunken palace where the chthonic monster waits."
Inferno - Unknown Ally
I could smell the wolf. It was like a deep musk.
Red Riding Hood - Demon Musk
They're pushing us out to deep space.
Life - No Rescue
The way she has opened me up, she has penetrated deep inside of me
Captain Fantastic - Lovebirds
and I know that I have penetrated deep, deep inside of your daughter.
Captain Fantastic - Lovebirds
You know that, deep down, what I'm saying is true.
Power Rangers - The Coins Chose You

Pronuncia audio di Deep

Pronuncia americana

Deep pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Deep pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Deep pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Deep pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Deep pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Deep pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Deep pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Deep pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Deep pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Deep pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Deep pronunciato da Brian (uomo)