Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

Aggiungi parole o frasi per imparare ed esercitati con altri studenti.


Pronuncia di do in Inglese

  • do
  • truffa
  • festa
  • ciò che si deve fare
  • eseguire
  • compiere
  • agire
  • operare
  • comportarsi
  • causare
  • commettere
  • bastare
  • stare
  • finire
  • andare bene
  • andar bene
  • portare a termine
  • procurare
  • ingannare
  • imbrogliare
  • passarsela
  • visitare
  • combinare
  • concludere

Esempi dai film con Do

Oh, Jesus. Oh, you kill me. You really do.
Top Gun - Arrogant Pilot
- I learned to do that at band camp. - Hold on, uh...
American Pie - One Time at Band Camp
Mr. Collins' sexual orientation has nothing to do with this case.
Philadelphia - A Case About Homosexuality
So glad we were able to do this.
Bridesmaids - Mean Tennis
I'm really glad we could do this, too. It's nice we get to hang out.
Bridesmaids - Mean Tennis
Yeah. I mean, I don't know. Do people really change?
Bridesmaids - Mean Tennis
what should I do but tend upon the hours and times of your desires?"
Adventureland - You're a Virgin?
You know those things you do, that coffee-shop reading shit?
Finding Forrester - The Pulitzer Prize
Why do nitrogen nodules cling to the roots of plants?
WarGames - Asexual Reproduction
Jennifer, what do you know about nitrogen nodules that we don't?
WarGames - Asexual Reproduction
Do remember that Miss Scott is also keen to talk about her next project...
Notting Hill - Questions & Apologies
change my personality, because you can do that in dreams and...
Notting Hill - Questions & Apologies
What did you give him to do your chores?
Tom Sawyer - Whitewashin'
Do you speak English? I'm just curious.
Gung Ho - Japanese Board Meeting
- What do you want? - One year's salary with benefits.
American Beauty - Lester Blackmails Brad
What do you say I throw in a little sexual harassment charge to boot?
American Beauty - Lester Blackmails Brad

Pronuncia audio di Do

Pronuncia americana

Do pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Do pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Do pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Do pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Do pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Do pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Do pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Do pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Do pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Do pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Do pronunciato da Brian (uomo)