Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

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Pronuncia di go in Inglese

  • andare
  • andare a
  • recarsi
  • stare
  • diventare
  • muoversi
  • viaggiare
  • funzionare
  • spingere
  • svolgersi
  • logorarsi

Esempi dai film con Go

like I-could-go-on-forever-box box? I need more specifics.
The Adventure Club - Ozzie's Shop
Go and help you sister get some wood, please, from the log pile now.
The Lost City of Z - Higher Authority
But I would like to go back to being your wife,
Operator - Not Your Science Experiment
Can I still go swimming with the patches?
Hunter Gatherer - Lab Rat
Yes, you can go swimming with the patches on.
Hunter Gatherer - Lab Rat
And they need you two to go in there, remove Kim...
The Interview - They're Honeypotting Us
Somebody might come say something, the nigga can't fight, she can't go.
Bad Boys II - Intimidating Reggie
I will go so far away, it'll be just like I was dead.
Collateral - One Question Away
It was either play ball or go back inside.
Collateral - One Question Away
Can't miss it. As you go in the front door, there's some lockers on the right.
Rat Race - There Are No Rules
So now when you say, "Go," you mean just go?
Rat Race - There Are No Rules
We about to go in, he won't get out the fucking car. Why?
Baby Driver - A Score for a Score

Pronuncia audio di Go

Pronuncia americana

Go pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Go pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Go pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Go pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Go pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Go pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Go pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Go pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Go pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Go pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Go pronunciato da Brian (uomo)