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Pronuncia di heard in Inglese

  • sentire
  • ascoltare
  • udire
  • intendere
  • sapere
  • conoscere
  • apprendere
  • venire a sapere

Esempi dai film con Heard

like Colonel Custer and Geronimo. Have you ever heard of 'em? No.
Legend - Bar Beatdown
never heard of it saving anyone from a gang rape-type situation.
The Foot Fist Way - Ju-jitsu Sucks
You know, I heard about that. It was neck and neck, and then she skipped lunch.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Harmony Faith Lane
Oh, yeah. I keep thinking about this thing I heard.
Gone Baby Gone - Do You Even Give a F***?
Anyway, I heard someone ripped Cheese off on a New Hampshire run.
Gone Baby Gone - Do You Even Give a F***?
I heard about you. What was your winning word?
Bad Words - Autofellatio
- I've never heard of that word. - Yeah.
Bad Words - Autofellatio
- I heard you was in the slammer. - Out early.
Hancock - Diffusing the Detonator
Have you ever heard, "this call may be monitored or recorded"?
Operator - Not Your Science Experiment
I heard the motherfucker say your name Reggie.
Bad Boys II - Intimidating Reggie
- Have you heard of La Hermandad? - Yes, I have.
Man on Fire - Suppository Bomb
but they hadn't heard anything about kids at that point.
Newtown - The Waiting Room
and she said, "They heard it all." She said, "They heard it all.
Newtown - The Waiting Room
"They heard the guns, they heard the screaming,
Newtown - The Waiting Room
or any other colloquialisms that you may have heard
Girls Trip - Inappropriate White Friend

Pronuncia audio di Heard

Pronuncia americana

Heard pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Heard pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Heard pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Heard pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Heard pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Heard pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Heard pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Heard pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Heard pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Heard pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Heard pronunciato da Brian (uomo)