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Pronuncia di power in Inglese

  • potere
  • potenza
  • forza
  • corrente
  • capacità
  • elettricità
  • autorità
  • azionare
  • elettrico

Esempi dai film con Power

Power cut. The whole house.
How I Live Now - Boom
Y'all know the power we have over them withholding just a day.
Chi-Raq - All Hold Out
Oh, no, don't take away my power of speech now that I can think rationally.
Absolutely Anything - Biscuits
the collar has a voltage regulator to prevent power surges.
See Spot Run - The FBI's Top Dog
Those crazy years, that was the time of the flower power.
Mamma Mia! - Our Last Summer
And accordingly, I give him full proxy power and authority.
Richie Rich - Richie Runs Things
The power to rule, to make the world grovel at my feet.
The Invisible Man - A Visible Partner
why you didn't shut off the power supply to your robots.
Futureworld - Discussing the Malfunctions
If someone gets ahold of that disk, they'd have an awful lot of power.
The Net - Mozart's Ghost
Oh, don't you have an alternative power supply, huh?
Short Circuit 2 - Manic Robot
that harnesses the natural cleaning and foaming power of
The Guilt Trip - I'm Not Changing the Label!
l just love her power.
I Spy - We're Twins
Yeah, they knew the power of that place.
Pet Sematary - Dead is Better
Once you feel the power of that place,
Pet Sematary - Dead is Better
or we shall have to unleash our awesome and terrible power!
The Road to El Dorado - Entering El Dorado

Pronuncia audio di Power

Pronuncia americana

Power pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Power pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Power pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Power pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Power pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Power pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Power pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Power pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Power pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Power pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Power pronunciato da Brian (uomo)