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Pronuncia di really in Inglese

  • davvero
  • realmente
  • proprio
  • effettivamente
  • bene
  • addirittura

Esempi dai film con Really

Guys... I really like whip-its!
Bad Moms Official Trailer
Go talk to him before somebody else dates him. Really ?
Superstar - Sky Breaks Up with Evian
It doesn't really look that crowded in there.
Knocked Up You Old, She Pregnant
Do me a favor, ask me about my wiener really quickly.
Accepted - Ask Me About My Wiener
I mean, I really did appreciate all the time you gave me.
Date Night - You Two Make Sex With Us?
- She is a sweet girl. - She seems really sweet.
Date Night - You Two Make Sex With Us?
Really? You think I could end up being as good as my dad if I keep practicing?
Fantastic Mr. Fox - Whack-Bat
He really is your father's nephew, isn't he?
Fantastic Mr. Fox - Whack-Bat
And I haven't really had an answer.
John Wick - I'm Back
- So how did you guys meet? - It's really funny, actually.
Valentine's Day - How Did You Guys Meet?
...and I found this spit wad, but it was really a note.
Valentine's Day - How Did You Guys Meet?
He was really there for me when my father passed away.
Nurse 3-D - Sexual Obsession
Oh, you say you're looking at me, but are you really looking at me?
Be Cool - The Raised Eyebrow Look

Pronuncia audio di Really

Pronuncia americana

Really pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Really pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Really pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Really pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Really pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Really pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Really pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Really pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Really pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Really pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Really pronunciato da Brian (uomo)