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Pronuncia di shock in Inglese

  • urto
  • scossa
  • colpo
  • collasso
  • forte emozione
  • collisione
  • scioccare
  • urtare
  • scandalizzare
  • colpire
  • impressionare
  • scontrarsi
  • offendere

Esempi dai film con Shock

I-I-I don't understand. This is such a shock. What's wrong ?
Superstar - Sky Breaks Up with Evian
Shock! What about shock? Maybe we should...
Death Becomes Her - Medical Mystery
- It could be shock. - ...check her for shock.
Death Becomes Her - Medical Mystery
Well, I was in such a state of shock...
Chicago - Cell Block Tango
What a shock. Do you have life insurance?
Groundhog Day - Ned Ryerson!
Actually your body is in survival mode, so what you're experiencing is shock.
50/50 - Doogie Howser
- you'd leave little notes. - Shock and awe?
My Man Is a Loser - The Fix
"What?" Did I offend you? Are you going to shock and awe me?
Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo - Aquarium Bully
...which gives a shock, designed to get his attention.
See Spot Run - The FBI's Top Dog
A demonstration of the shock collar by the most decorated canine in FBI history.
See Spot Run - The FBI's Top Dog
Maybe l shouldn't have come. I mean, I can tell this is a big shock for you.
What a Girl Wants - I'm Your Daughter

Pronuncia audio di Shock

Pronuncia americana

Shock pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Shock pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Shock pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Shock pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Shock pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Shock pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Shock pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Shock pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Shock pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Shock pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Shock pronunciato da Brian (uomo)