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Pronuncia di together in Inglese

  • contemporaneamente
  • di seguito
  • d'accordo

Esempi dai film con Together

This is a decision that we should make together.
Captain Fantastic - Lovebirds
I know it's complex, but we will deal with it together.
Operator - Not Your Science Experiment
Deal with it together. You say that all the time.
Operator - Not Your Science Experiment
the idea of families coming together.
Big Bear - Not Getting Married
if we could do a little bit of cocaine together.
Rough Night - Doing Drugs
Now would you pull yourself together
Sing - $100,000 Prize
I don't know, maybe we could do something together.
Sing - $100,000 Prize
You put 'em all together, you got a bomb.
Man on Fire - Suppository Bomb
Bound together as you are by mutual crimes and various misdemeanors.
Original Sin - You're a Whore
He was the sweetest guy. We went to high school together.
Sidewalks of New York - Virginity
Now you pull yourself together. You do whatever it takes.
Behind Enemy Lines - New Extraction Point
It's kind of like we killed them together.
Keanu - We Killed 'Em Together
A wolf and a penguin could never live together,
The Lobster - Choice
We ended up together because I get crippled in the game tonight.
Touchback - Stop Talking
We weren't supposed to end up together.
Touchback - Stop Talking
So I put together a completely legal "herbal" snack pack.
Brother Nature - All the Time
You call this an ensemble? Get it together, girl.
G.B.F. - Get It Together Now
where all persons live together in harmony with equal opportunities.
Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom - Courtroom
And we can do this together, Frau Zabińska.
The Zookeeper's Wife - Heck's Offer
Together, we will make fat beautiful again.
Branded - #1
I was thinking Lonnie and I wouldn't get to spend Christmas together
Almost Christmas - Inviting the Mistress to Dinner
They were just thousands of triple A mortgages bundled together,
The Big Short - Jenga
and because we're all in this together.
Newtown - Someday
Now, the people of New York need us to set aside our differences and work together.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - Casey Meets the Turtles

Pronuncia audio di Together

Pronuncia americana

Together pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Together pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Together pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Together pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Together pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Together pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Together pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Together pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Together pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Together pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Together pronunciato da Brian (uomo)

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