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Pronuncia di two in Inglese

  • due

Esempi dai film con Two

Well, they were... they were looking for you, these two guys.
The Big Lebowski - I'm the Dude
Yeah. Two years ago, She told me that hoop earrings were her thing
Mean Girls - Such a Good Friend
I rode the bench for two years.
Rudy - Fortune's Truth
she's been dead two years and that's the shit I remember.
Good Will Hunting - Imperfections
This here is my little girl. It's just the two of us now.
Paper Moon - Bible Salesmen
Fly at least two combat missions a day,
Top Gun - Arrogant Pilot
Yeah, can you take two tonight at, oh, let's say 9:00?
American Psycho - Dinner Reservations
- No, I said we are totally booked. - Two at 9:00? Perfect!
American Psycho - Dinner Reservations
There's two things I learned in life, kid:
Alfie - Joe
You will have two marriages. One long, one short.
Eat Pray Lov - The Palm Reader
Four boxes of mini-mints, two toffee totes,
Despicable Me - CookieBots
two caramel clumpies and fifteen boxes of coco-nutties.
Despicable Me - CookieBots
But here's the thing, Marnier, it's been two years.
She's Out of My League - Time Off
It is at least a two-man job taking him alive.
True Grit - I'm a Texas Ranger
- Well, who's your best friend? - I have two.
I Love You, Man - A Girlfriend Guy
Talk to him two, three times a week on the phone for 30 years now.
I Love You, Man - A Girlfriend Guy
Over the course of two winters he taught him to ski,
Spectre - Ernst Stavro Blofeld
When I was 7, I saw two squirrels kissing. And I watched it for a long time.
Hot Pursuit - All Jacked Up
Yeah, I need to report two suspicious women on my property.
Hot Pursuit - I Am Her Lover Scene
Look, whatever you two fought about over Christmas, you have to drop it.
The Descendants - Mom Was Cheating on You
Wow, okay, third. How are the first two doing?
50/50 - Doogie Howser
- One "B." B-A-B-A-R. - That's two.
Fletch - Bend Over, Mr. Babar
of those two communities a combined 1,531 years of their lives
Margin Call - A Bridge
and they say that no two souls were ever more meant for each other.
Hotel Transylvania - The Legend of Lady Lubov

Pronuncia audio di Two

Pronuncia americana

Two pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Two pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Two pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Two pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Two pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Two pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Two pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Two pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Two pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Two pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Two pronunciato da Brian (uomo)

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