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Pronuncia di until in Inglese

fino a
  • sino a
  • prima di
  • finché
  • fino a quando

Esempi dai film con Until

A team is nothing but pieces you switch out until you get the job done.
Fast & Furious 6 - Every Man Has a Code
Until they reached their destination: Child Land
The Playroom - Watch Me
Okay. You are not going anywhere until your father gets home
Moms' Night Out - Credit Cards
Well, I'm not gonna give you a biscuit until you answer my question.
Absolutely Anything - Biscuits
Look, I just can't concentrate on anything until I've had one of those biscuits.
Absolutely Anything - Biscuits
I did think you were dead until I got your call, you know?
Wonder Woman - Shopping
Until your parents are found, sir, as the sole heir...
Richie Rich - Richie Runs Things
Men with shotguns, don't fire until you see the whites!
The Russians Are Coming! - The Militia
On my honour, I am obliged to accompany you until I have saved your life
Shrek 2 - Puss in Boots
...who couldn't hear the train until it was 2 feet from him.
Batman - Dance With the Devil
until you put another cam in the wall.
Vertical Limit - Cut the Rope

Pronuncia audio di Until

Pronuncia americana

Until pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Until pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Until pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Until pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Until pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Until pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Until pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Until pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Until pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Until pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Until pronunciato da Brian (uomo)