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Pronuncia di ve in Inglese


Esempi dai film con Ve

Well, you've always wanted to transfer to the country.
Hot Fuzz - Good Luck Nicholas
but the fact is, you've been making us all look bad.
Hot Fuzz - Good Luck Nicholas
but you've been rather letting the side down.
Hot Fuzz - Good Luck Nicholas
You must've brought me out for something fun.
Goosebumps - Unhappy Slappy
You've made slappy very unhappy.
Goosebumps - Unhappy Slappy
Tonight is gonna be the best story you've ever written.
Goosebumps - Unhappy Slappy
who they are and where they've been, just from looking.
Mr. Holmes - Do You Regret?
And he will tell you where you've been.
Mr. Holmes - Do You Regret?
You've been away most of the day.
Mr. Holmes - Do You Regret?
Clearly, you've never set foot in a theater,
Crooked House - Twisting My Words
I've learned my lesson, I really have.
The Little Hours - Serious Sins
I've been wondering maybe about possibly buying a futon...
The Sessions - The Wrong Way to Start Off
I've been in pricing and marketing for 11 years.
Price Check - Pricing & Marketing
I've given it some thought, okay?
Dean - Selling the House
I've already told you, I cut out hundreds of things.
A Kind of Murder - Common Ground
You're powerless now that I've stolen your precious Medusa Serum.
Penguins of Madagascar - North Wind Headquarters
You can't get a signal in this building. I've been in here talking to you.
Gone Girl - Should I Know My Wife's Blood Type?
We've prepared a room at the palace for you. You'll stay, won't you?
Grace Of Monaco - Hitchcock Meeting
And goodness knows what they've done to my Birds script.
Grace Of Monaco - Hitchcock Meeting

Pronuncia audio di Ve

Pronuncia americana

Ve pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Ve pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Ve pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Ve pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Ve pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Ve pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Ve pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Ve pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Ve pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Ve pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Ve pronunciato da Brian (uomo)