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Pronuncia di who in Inglese


Esempi dai film con Who

Who would fordless bear to grunt and sweat under a weary Life...
Hamlet - To Be or Not To Be
That Mexican, who came out with the knife?
Unforgiven - We All Have It Coming
And anybody who says any different doesn't know her ass from her elbow.
Grumpier Old Men - I Know How To Treat a Lady
And that's who you saw kissing Olivia and that's who played the first half.
She's the Man - I'm Viola
All righty! Who needs to stretch their legs?
Minions - One Evil Family
- Okay, who did that? - Uh... the Stuart!
Minions - One Evil Family
Do you know who I am? I'm Miss Teen. You're really giving me a headache.
Scary Movie - Wanna Play Pyscho Killer?
I know someone who can fix that for you.
Despicable Me 2 - Worst Date Ever
You're the one who wished for it, aren't you?
Ted - A Young Boy's Wish
who can harmonize and have perfect pitch. Okay?
Pitch Perfect - Fat Amy
What is this bullshit? Who's this prick?
Wanted - Wesley's Breakdown
Yeah. That was great, bro. Who's the man?
Wanted - Wesley's Breakdown
We always did stuff like that, get back at people who messed with us.
Dirty Work - Don't Take No Crap From Nobody

Pronuncia audio di Who

Pronuncia americana

Who pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Who pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Who pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Who pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Who pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Who pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Who pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Who pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Who pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Who pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Who pronunciato da Brian (uomo)