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Pronuncia di whole in Inglese

  • insieme
  • tutto
  • intero
  • complesso
  • completo
  • integro
  • sano
  • incolume

Esempi dai film con Whole

- But I've known him my whole life. - No, you haven't, Jerry.
Uncle Steve | Rick and Morty
But I'd face a whole box full of them for the chance of getting some brains
If I Only Had a Brain - The Wizard of Oz (1939)
- Once that sucker<font color="#ff0000"> </font>hits the ground, my Second Amendment rights trump that whole pro-life thing!
Alien Abortion - Uncensored
Did the whole place for $47.
Ted - White Trash Names
Trust me, Linda. I know 'em a whole lot better than you do.
Be Cool - The Raised Eyebrow Look
we're a whole wedding party. l'm the bride. l'm getting married.
Bridesmaids - Ready to Partay
Open every second Thursday of the month, noon to three. Bring the whole family.
The Last Stand - She Has a Little Kick
You blew up the whole thing! Let's go. Let's try another game!
Despicable Me - It's So Fluffy!
Some male figure? I'm his dad. And stop with the whole transfer thing.
Super Troopers - Dimpus Burger
The whole industry's gotten gutless. It's not about the quality of the books anymore.
Sideways - Miles Makes a Scene
I swear to God, my whole life flashed before my eyes.
The Beach - A Shark Tale
So, a whole heated debate transpired over the whole tongue-no tongue policy.
Legally Blonde 2 - Snap Cup
But believe me, I've been looking forward to this moment my whole life.
Twins - Not Identical Twins
Don't you see? That's the whole idea.
Revolutionary Road - Paris!
Our whole existence here is based on this great premise
Revolutionary Road - Paris!
that we're special and superior to the whole thing.
Revolutionary Road - Paris!
if I'm wrong about the whole "book down the trousers" scenario,
Notting Hill - Can I Have Your Autograph?
Do you know, I'm starting to feel a little better about this whole thing.
Margin Call - It's Just Money
Cows, pigs. I'll get a whole farm to piss on you.
Bulletproof - I'm Your God
But for a whole tower to get twisted up like that...
The Iron Giant - Something Big
But, you see, that's not the whole story.
Dave - The Whole Truth
And I think each one of you is entitled to the whole truth.
Dave - The Whole Truth
I ought to be willing to give up this whole thing...
Dave - The Whole Truth

Pronuncia audio di Whole

Pronuncia americana

Whole pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Whole pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Whole pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Whole pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Whole pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Whole pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Whole pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Whole pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Whole pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Whole pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Whole pronunciato da Brian (uomo)