Holding on to something that I know I can’t control
And I could not have it any other way.
Restless anxious is all I’ve known
Defenseless against this.
This change in my soul
What was once reluctance soon becomes the will to grow.
And I would not have it any other way
So I let go. Lose control.
wisdom - mądrość
waste - marnotrawstwo
those - te
surrender - poddanie się
unknown - nieznany
defenseless - bezbronny
control - kontrola
change - Zmiana
faith - wiara
other - inny
cannot - nie może
could - mógłby
reject - odrzucać
against - przeciwko
becomes - staje się
would - by
behind - za
holding - trzymać
changes - zmiany
engages - angażuje się
anxious - niespokojny
grasp - chwycić
restless - niespokojny
nothing - nic
known - znany
refusing - odmawiając
there - tam
reluctance - niechęć
something - coś
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