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Norman. Norman.
What are they doing with Norman?
Mitchy! Mitchy, come on out and play.
- Don't go out there.
- What do you think, I'm nuts?
Mitch, do you like calf brains?
This is over a cow.
Here's your last chance.
They're not gonna hurt me.
There's too many witnesses.
Please be careful.
Just gonna embarrass me,
so I'll let them.
Norman, have you been
bothering the cowboys again?
You know, you raise them,
you try to teach them right from wrong,
but they learn these
things from their friends
I mean, it's
the school systems.
You're grounded, mister.
These cows today, huh?
You pansy-assed bastard.
- Are you talking to me or Norman?
- You shit-nosed little faggot.
Oh, me?
Listen, guys, we have a group of people
here who came out for a good time,
and to say the least,
it's been a little bit strange.
But we're counting on you
to get us through this.
So I'm asking you, please,
why don't you just go
and sleep it off, huh?
Sleep this off.
Put the gun down!
Put down the goddamn gun!
- Phil.
- I'm not gonna let him bully us anymore.
- My father-in-law's a bully.
- Phil.
I hate bullies!
'Cause a bully doesn't just beat you up.
- He takes away your dignity.
- Phil!
I hate that.
I really hate that.
All right, you two assholes, go sleep it off.
And let's have some peace and quiet
around here for Christ's sakes!
I'm tired!
I've been under a lot of stress.
I lost my wife. I lost my job.
And I've got some sort of rash
from making in the bushes.
witnesses - świadkowie
under - pod
these - te
their - ich
teach - nauczać
talking - mówić
takes - trwa
tired - zmęczony
systems - systemów
stress - naprężenie
strange - dziwne
least - najmniej
wrong - źle
friends - przyjaciele
learn - uczyć się
father - ojciec
chance - szansa
think - myśleć
careful - ostrożny
bushes - krzaki
there - tam
school - szkoła
asking - pytając
bastard - drań
assholes - dupki
goddamn - przeklęty
faggot - pęk
around - na około
pansy - bratek
counting - rachunkowość
bullies - przekleństwa
assed - assed
right - dobrze
sorry - przepraszam
embarrass - zawstydzić
anymore - już
again - jeszcze raz
dignity - godność
brains - mózg
sleep - sen
gonna - gonna
doing - robić
cowboys - kowboje
listen - słuchać
through - przez
little - mało
things - rzeczy
people - ludzie
today - dzisiaj
making - zrobienie
mitch - Mitch
grounded - uziemiony
mitchy - mitchy
norman - norman
bothering - kłopotliwy
nosed - nosem
quiet - cichy
bully - tyran
peace - pokój
please - proszę
group - grupa
mister - pan
raise - podnieść
really - naprawdę
sakes - sakes
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