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Rozpocznij naukę
Chief. Don't you worry
about it, Chief.
It won't be
Want to see something permanent,
Hey, Hoop, you wanna
feel something permanent ?
Just put your hand
underneath my cap.
Feel that
little lump ?
Knocko Nolans,
St. Paddy's Day, Boston.
I got that beat.
I got that beat.
That's a moray eel.
Bit right through my wet suit.
Hoop, now, listen,
I don't know about that,
but I entered
an arm wrestling contest...
in an Okie bar
in San Francisco.
I can't extend that,
you know why ?
I was in the semifinal,
celebratin' my third wife's demise.
Big Chinese fella
pulled me right.
Look at that.
It was
a bull shark.
He scraped me when
I was takin' samples.
And I got somethin' for ya.
There's a thresher. See that, Chief?
- The tresher's tail.
- Thresher?
It's a shark.
You want a drink ?
Drink to your leg ?
- I'll drink to your leg.
- Okay, so we drink to our legs.
Right here. Hold on.
Yeah. See that ?
You're wearin'
a sweater.
Right there.
Mary Ellen Moffit.
She broke my heart.
What's that one ?
That one there
on your arm.
Oh, a tattoo.
I got that removed.
Don't tell me. Don't tell me.
What is it ?
Hooper, that's
the USS Indianapolis.
You were on the Indianapolis ?
worry - martwić się
wanna - chcę
through - przez
thresher - młocarnia
third - trzeci
there - tam
sweater - sweter
tattoo - tatuaż
something - coś
semifinal - półfinał
removed - usunięto
pulled - pociągnął
right - dobrze
broke - zepsuł się
underneath - pod spodem
fella - fella
indianapolis - Indianapolis
wrestling - zapasy
moffit - moffit
ellen - Ellen
entered - weszła
demise - zgon
drink - drink
chinese - chiński
scraped - zgarnięte
about - o
boston - boston
permanent - stały
contest - zawody
heart - serce
knocko - knocko
samples - próbki
nolans - nolany
chief - szef
extend - rozciągać się
mother - mama
francisco - francisco
listen - słuchać
shark - rekin
moray - murena
hooper - hooper
little - mało
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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