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Yes, I know,
but it's my mother.
That's enough. On
second thoughts,
I think it better that you do hear
what I have to say.
Though I will not have
you in my presence.
The purpose of my being in this room
is to save the realm
from the consequences
of this unsuitable amusement.
Her uncle is the
bloody King of France.
Her uncle wants her back.
Philip wants an
excuse to cross
the Channel with an army.
And you have given
him that excuse.
Take up your lawful wife
and save England.
My lawful wife
is as barren as a brick.
Is that truly the wife
you want for me?
You, who honored your husband
with eight children
so that even now when death has
taken the rest
you have a king and the runt of the litter
to call you "Mother."
Better the bastard
of a servant girl
than bed the niece
of England's jealous enemy.
Or bed her
and wed her, Mother.
I've asked the Pope's men
to arrange an annulment.
And do you think the Pope
will favor England's royal runt over
the King of France?
He might see his way for the son of
Eleanor of Aquitaine.
And for the future
King of England.
Richard the Lion Heart
is 40 years old, if not more.
And no babies.
I am a queen
in the making.
Yes. Yes. You see?
She is my Eleanor
years - lat
unsuitable - nieodpowiedni
uncle - wujek
truly - naprawdę
though - chociaż
taken - wzięty
england - england
enough - dość
future - przyszłość
enemy - wróg
niece - siostrzenica
cross - krzyż
consequences - Konsekwencje
channel - kanał
barren - jałowy
brick - cegła
aquitaine - Aquitaine
eight - osiem
thoughts - myśli
arrange - zorganizować
death - śmierć
asked - spytał
children - dzieci
bastard - drań
amusement - rozrywka
favor - przysługa
babies - dzieci
eleanor - nastrój
being - istota
france - Francja
wants - chce
think - myśleć
royal - królewski
excuse - pretekst
given - dany
purpose - cel, powód
queen - Królowa
heart - serce
honored - zaszczycony
lawful - legalny
bloody - Krwawy
litter - śmieci
mother - mama
might - moc
philip - philip
presence - obecność
realm - królestwo
richard - Richard
annulment - unieważnienie
making - zrobienie
better - lepszy
husband - mąż
second - druga
jealous - zazdrosny
servant - sługa
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