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Hello. Yes. Is... is Mandy there, please?
Is this Dupree calling again?
Yes, this is Dupree again.
Okay, yeah, just...
just tell her that I called.
Looks like
we're going camping again, Murphy.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
I didn't know you
were down here. I'm so sorry.
No, it's my fault.
What in the hell is going on?
Are you naked again?
We talked about this!
I know we did. Yes.
Everyone's asleep,
and here's lonely old Dupree
just waling away on himself.
Animal wouldn't debase himself thus.
- What is happening to me?
- Is this one of my tube socks?
- Carl, please.
- Answer the question!
Mine were dirty.
Carl, stop it! Relax.
Wait a minute.
What are you even doing down here, Molly?
- Are you serious?
- It's a simple question.
I couldn't sleep.
I'm getting a broom.
This is rock bottom.
I was doing so good.
Wasn't I doing good, Carl? Huh, buddy?
But, Dupree, where did you find this?
I got it from that box marked "Carl's
camping equipment" in the garage.
- You put the box away, didn't you?
- Yes.
I'm ninety-nine percent sure I put it away.
I didn't realize
you were such an outdoorsman, Carl.
- Asian Assault?
- Molly, let me explain.
That one was in the wrong section
at the video store.
Oh, you're gonna lie to my face.
All right. Well, that one I
kind of knew about.
Oh, Beijing Bang Bang?
Carl! Is this what our
marriage has come to?
Lies and-and all these Chinese fetish videos?
I admit, Molly, that I was
into Asian porn for a little while.
But it was just a phase.
Anyway, why am I the one
who's on trial here?
He's in there starching my sock,
and you don't even bat an eye...
Because I'm not married to him!
I am married to you.
Do something with that.
wrong - źle
waling - Waling
videos - filmy
these - te
store - Sklep
sorry - przepraszam
something - coś
socks - skarpety
simple - prosty
trial - próba
serious - poważny
right - dobrze
realize - realizować
please - proszę
percent - procent
calling - powołanie
married - żonaty
camping - kemping
called - nazywa
there - tam
question - pytanie
animal - zwierzę
while - podczas gdy
molly - pedał
doing - robić
chinese - chiński
happening - wydarzenie
bottom - dolny
answer - Odpowiedź
starching - krochmalenie
dupree - Dupree
phase - faza
fetish - fetysz
debase - poniżyć
about - o
admit - przyznać
again - jeszcze raz
anyway - tak czy inaczej
buddy - kumpel
getting - coraz
hello - cześć
section - sekcja
asian - asian
talked - rozmawiał
because - bo
equipment - sprzęt
marriage - małżeństwo
explain - wyjaśniać
fault - wina
minute - chwila
little - mało
where - gdzie
video - wideo
assault - atak
mandy - Mandy
ninety - dziewięćdziesiąt
garage - garaż
murphy - Murphy
dirty - brudny
going - chodzenie
sleep - sen
relax - zrelaksować się
gonna - gonna
himself - samego siebie
lonely - samotny
broom - miotła
asleep - we śnie
looks - wygląda
marked - wyraźny
beijing - Pekin
naked - nagi
outdoorsman - outdoorsman
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