Ucz się prawdziwego angielskiego z książek i filmów.

Dodawaj słowa i zwroty, by uczyć się ich i ćwiczyć z innymi uczniami.


Angielska wymowa słowa something

  • coś niecoś
  • nieco

Przykłady z filmów ze słowem Something

Everybody, I have something to tell you.
She's the Man - I'm Viola
Well, there's something I need to...
Scary Movie 3 - Faking It
- It really stinks in here. - Yeah. Yeah. I dropped something.
Inventing the Abbotts - Kissing in the Garage
All right, people, we're going to try something a little different today.
The Breakfast Club - Don't Mess With the Bull
Judging by his address, probably something bigger on the side.
L.A. Confidential - Better Than Veronica Lake
Come here. I want to show you something.
Casino - Lester Diamond
- Can I get you something? - No, no, he's not staying.
You've Got Mail - Very First Zinger
Meanness? Let me tell you something about meanness.
You've Got Mail - Very First Zinger
Do you think I'm kidding or something?
Revolutionary Road - Paris!
Why y'all standing there, just looking at shit? Do something!
Next Friday - Auntie Suga
She must be worse than Left Eye from TLC or something.
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
so we don't have to kill each other just to get something to eat.
Margin Call - It's Just Money
Guess that means something big's happening here.
The Iron Giant - Something Big
Which is saying something, because I've slimmed down quite a bit.
Horton Hears a Who! - I'm Holding the Speck
Are you gonna sing a song or something? Or can I just go back to work?
Elf - Buddy Meets His Dad
put my name into "Jingle Bells" or something.
Elf - Buddy Meets His Dad
...for something I believe in...
Dave - The Whole Truth
please, try and teach our kids something other than a chronic album?
Barbershop - Reparations
For something other than free before 11:00 at the club.
Barbershop - Reparations

Wymowa dźwiękowa słowa Something

Wymowa amerykańska

Something wymawia Ivy (dziecko, dziewczyna)
Something wymawia Joanna (kobieta)
Something wymawia Kendra (kobieta)
Something wymawia Kimberly (kobieta)
Something wymawia Salli (kobieta)
Something wymawia Joey (mężczyzna)
Something wymawia Justin (dziecko, chłopiec)
Something wymawia Matthew (mężczyzna)

Wymowa brytyjska

Something wymawia Amy (kobieta)
Something wymawia Emma (kobieta)
Something wymawia Brian (mężczyzna)