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Excuse me!
You are trespassing.
No. We asked her to come.
You asked her to come?
We realized a few days ago
that Miss Kluger...
...was not
a total fricking idiot.
...might have gotten a sense
of what we were doing.
You've got one of the greatest
necks in the world.
First of all, if there's
one thing I know,
it's bad acting.
In fact,
you've got the only neck
that could carry
this necklace off.
And I almost never throw up.
Even when I'm really wasted.
It was in the water.
It must have fallen off
while you were running.
And last but not least,
I never forget a face.
Debbie Ocean.
Yeah. Yeah.
So, seems to me,
eight shares of 150 million
is better than seven shares
of nothing, right?
Hi, Daph! Welcome to the team!
Let's not all high-five
at once.
Plus, I am the one
who is saving your asses
...from insurance fraud.
- What?
- Insurance fraud?
- I was gonna get to that.
It seems that they've assigned
an insurance investigator...
Who's about to look up
your ass with a flashlight.
- Who?
- This little Columbo dude,
but the trench coat.
Totally onto you.
His name is John Frazier.
- You know him?
- Yes.
He busted my father twice
and my brother once.
He's family.
All right.
Lest we forget,
this entire enterprise
was to keep me out of jail.
Hey. No one's going to jail.
- Are you sure?
- We expected this.
We prepared for this.
Yup, that's clear.
We will not be
the prime suspect.
Okay, well then
who will be the prime suspect?
Well, there's a few.
We've got the security guys,
we've got the busboys...
The shady guy
who put you away.
The boyfriend.
Yup. They were gonna
be looking for somebody.
Just had to make sure
it wasn't one of us.
It's nice.
That is amazing!
The precision...
Right? It's always the
attention to detail
and the little grace notes
that really make
something sing.
Why are you doing this?
I don't have that many close
female friendships.
And book clubs are the worst.
So I just thought,
you know...
this could be
something fun to share.
You're becoming a criminal
because you're lonely?
Who isn't sometimes, right?
Are you an only child?
worst - pior
world - mundo
friendships - amizades
twice - duas vezes
prime - prime
share - compartilhar
flashlight - lanterna
boyfriend - namorado
excuse - desculpa
everything - tudo
little - pequeno
enterprise - empreendimento
necklace - colar
doing - fazendo
clear - claro
fraud - fraude
ocean - oceano
child - criança
trench - trincheira
detail - detalhe
criminal - criminoso
could - poderia
frazier - mais fraco
close - fechar
columbo - columbo
almost - quase
entire - inteira
attention - atenção
brother - irmão
carry - levar
welcome - bem vinda
first - primeiro
realized - percebi
forget - esqueço
better - melhor
clubs - clubes
gotten - obtido
chilly - frio
fallen - caído
thanks - obrigado
expected - esperado
thought - pensamento
throw - lançar
asked - perguntei
somebody - alguém
fricking - fricking
going - indo
busboys - busboys
because - porque
investigator - investigador
amazing - surpreendente
never - nunca
becoming - tornando-se
security - segurança
family - família
totally - totalmente
female - fêmea
trespassing - invasão
million - milhão
father - pai
while - enquanto
busted - quebrado
gonna - vai
about - sobre
notes - notas
prepared - preparado
might - poderia
grace - graça
greatest - maior
idiot - idiota
insurance - seguro
kluger - Kluger
shady - sombrio
least - pelo menos
lonely - solitário
seven - sete
looking - olhando
necks - pescoço
assigned - atribuído
nothing - nada
thing - coisa
asses - burro
precision - precisão
really - realmente
right - certo
eight - oito
running - corrida
acting - agindo
wasted - desperdiçado
saving - salvando
shares - compartilha
seems - parece
always - sempre
suspect - suspeito
sense - sentido
something - alguma coisa
debbie - Debbie
sometimes - as vezes
total - total
water - agua
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