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Sebastian Graves is here.
Go to his room and seduce him.
I'll be there soon.
Come on.
Good afternoon.
Hello. There's emergency.
- It's a code drowned.
- A code drowned, sir?
I've blocked the toilet tray.
Could you send somebody up
as soon as you can, please?
Okay, Mr. Shelton.
I'll send you assistents.
Mr. Shelton
That is really fast service.
I only just called down.
Not your usual place to do it.
What? Why?
Where did you expect me
to do it?
In the bed.
In the... In the bed?
I'm not an animal.
I'm done one in a bed
for over five weeks.
Let's be quick with this, all right?
Shall I show it to you?
How do I know
that when I see it,
I won't fall
madly in love with you?
There's really
not much danger of that.
It's enormous.
All the better.
How hard is it?
Well, okay.
Let me try and remember.
I mean, the top of it is, you know,
very hard. Actually, painfully so.
Then kind of medium soft.
And at the base of it,
really hard again.
Now, should I tell you
what I'm gonna do with it?
I'm gonna take it
in my hand.
- All of it.
- Right.
That's very unusual.
- Yeah.
- Right?
And then I'm gonna kiss it.
Gonna kiss it?
And I'm gonna put
all of it in my mouth.
This is worse
than 2 Girls and 1 Cup.
I bet it tastes like
And I bet you that it tastes
of kebab with extra curry sauce.
gonna - собирается
assistents - ассистентов
strawberries - клубника
drowned - утонули
girls - девочки
called - называется
hello - здравствуйте
somebody - кто-то
emergency - крайняя необходимость
could - мог
shall - должен
enormous - огромный
expect - ожидать
danger - опасность
sebastian - Себастьян
curry - карри
better - лучше
graves - могилы
again - еще раз
worse - хуже
shelton - шелтон
where - где
quick - быстро
tastes - вкусы
kebab - кебаб
afternoon - после полудня
should - должен
actually - на самом деле
blocked - блокированный
medium - средний
painfully - болезненно
seduce - соблазнять
place - место
service - оказание услуг
please - пожалуйста
really - действительно
extra - дополнительный
remember - запомнить
right - правильно
madly - безумно
sauce - соус
animal - животное
there - там
toilet - туалет
unusual - необычный
mouth - рот
usual - обычный
weeks - недель
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