Изучайте Настоящий Английский с помощью фильмов и книг.

Добавляйте слова и фразы для изучения, а также практикуйтесь с другими учащимися.


Как произносится слово involved

  • вовлеченный
  • замешанный
  • сложный
  • запутанный

Примеры из фильмов c Involved

Okay um, your company is involved primarily in the telecommunications sector
Fifty Shades of Grey - A Little Curious
Well, I didn't know you wanted to get involved into discussion, Mr. Helper.
Back to School - Professor Terguson Loses It
...proving that Bob Alexander was also involved...
Dave - The Whole Truth
...and in no way was the vice-president involved in any of this afair.
Dave - The Whole Truth
And I would really... really like to get involved.
Hitch - Shock and Awe
People in town do seem to wonder if he was involved.
Capote - The Way I Am
Well, you know, someone else was involved in that movie...
Orange County - Shakespeare
I always wondered if you were involved in this.
Man on a Ledge - High Tension
- Involved in what? - There is someone talking to IA right now.
Man on a Ledge - High Tension
He convinced himself that I must have somehow been involved with the murders
Saw - It Was Tapp
You got involved with a witch, and when you do that...
Bewitched - Uncle Arthur
Oh, I see, so then you're not really involved.
Baby Boom - Firing Eve, Hiring Helga

Аудио произношение Involved

Американское произношение

Involved произнесенно Ivy (Ребёнок, девочка)
Involved произнесенно Joanna (девушка)
Involved произнесенно Kendra (девушка)
Involved произнесенно Kimberly (девушка)
Involved произнесенно Salli (девушка)
Involved произнесенно Joey (мужчина)
Involved произнесенно Justin (Ребёнок, мальчик)
Involved произнесенно Matthew (мужчина)

Британское произношение

Involved произнесенно Amy (девушка)
Involved произнесенно Emma (девушка)
Involved произнесенно Brian (мужчина)