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Как произносится слово saw

  • пила
  • пословица
  • афоризм
  • пилить
  • распиливать
  • пилиться
  • пильный

Примеры из фильмов c Saw

What, you change your mind? I saw the Tiffany box in the closet.
Bride Wars - Will You Just Marry Me Already?
ever since I saw Mac and Me.
Paul - Farting Buttholes
When I first got here, first time I saw a human, I puked.
Paul - Farting Buttholes
Well, you saw the telly. She's about to be very public.
Children of Men - The Plan for Kee
I saw a couple of buses in the garage.
Dawn of the Dead - I'm In
If you saw what was behind these doors,
Leap! - Victor's New Job
It wasn't until I saw what you and Jess had
Big Bear - Not Getting Married
I already saw my father spend years of his life
Realive - I Need Your Help
She saw what she was missing. Me, Hal Brandston, Mr Smooth.
Snow Day - Claire Bonner
And then I saw Mark, and there was no Daniel.
Newtown - The Waiting Room
I saw you down here and thought I'd say hello.
One Hour Photo - Uncle Sy
There's actually a few of those out there, I don't know if you saw.
Girls Trip - Inappropriate White Friend
I saw what you did in there. And you know what? I thought it was amazing.
27 Dresses - I Think You Deserve More
I saw this the other day and thought of you.
Twilight: New Moon - Happy Birthday
Wait, wait, wait. You saw a for-real live unicorn?
Despicable Me 3 - Was It Fluffy?

Аудио произношение Saw

Американское произношение

Saw произнесенно Ivy (Ребёнок, девочка)
Saw произнесенно Joanna (девушка)
Saw произнесенно Kendra (девушка)
Saw произнесенно Kimberly (девушка)
Saw произнесенно Salli (девушка)
Saw произнесенно Joey (мужчина)
Saw произнесенно Justin (Ребёнок, мальчик)
Saw произнесенно Matthew (мужчина)

Британское произношение

Saw произнесенно Amy (девушка)
Saw произнесенно Emma (девушка)
Saw произнесенно Brian (мужчина)

Слова схожие с Saw