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Как произносится слово should


Примеры из фильмов c Should

Yeah? Well, you should get it welded better in the corners!
Shallow Hal - Lunch With Rosemary
OK, you should just know that we don't do this a lot,
Mean Girls - Meeting the Plastics
- You're blaming me for the traffic? - Should I?
The Truman Show - Being Spontaneous
I think we should tell the cops.
Stand by Me - The Body
I should have called in sick Shit, I had somethin' to do
8 Mile - The Lunch Truck
You are ugly motherfucker Your pop should have wore a rubber
8 Mile - The Lunch Truck
Well, if I'm blown, Ed, that means you should've sent a team here...
Body of Lies - You Milked Him
A doctor's mission should be not just to prevent death...
Patch Adams - You Treat a Person
Let's just hope for the best, shall we? That should be enough.
Ocean's Thirteen - Rusty the Scientist
Oh, I don't gamble, sir. Neither should you, not with people's lives.
Ocean's Thirteen - Rusty the Scientist
what you should both know is we treat ourselves with respect.
Coach Carter - First Practice
I think we should just, like, enjoy this time.
Valentine's Day - Valentine Gifts
We should be happy for Sherman.
American Pie - Wild Thing
It should be banned from the airwaves.
Doubt - Pagan Christmas Songs
We should sing a song from the radio now and then,
Doubt - Pagan Christmas Songs
I should leave walking on water to the Son of God.
Ever After - Contradictions
I should never buy gribbenes from a mohel. It's so chewy.
Mrs. Doubtfire - Could You Make Me a Woman?
and if he were troubled he should confess it to a fellow priest
Doubt - I Am Concerned
Your old ass should know better than that.
Knocked Up - You Old, She Pregnant
My time is so short. Before I leave America, I really should...
Six Degrees of Separation - I Was Mugged
Well, we really should be going. Girls, come on.
Despicable Me 2 - Margo In Love
You are a saint. I should buy you a gift.
Liar Liar - Big Liar

Аудио произношение Should

Американское произношение

Should произнесенно Ivy (Ребёнок, девочка)
Should произнесенно Joanna (девушка)
Should произнесенно Kendra (девушка)
Should произнесенно Kimberly (девушка)
Should произнесенно Salli (девушка)
Should произнесенно Joey (мужчина)
Should произнесенно Justin (Ребёнок, мальчик)
Should произнесенно Matthew (мужчина)

Британское произношение

Should произнесенно Amy (девушка)
Should произнесенно Emma (девушка)
Should произнесенно Brian (мужчина)