تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.
أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.
استخدم شريط التمرير لتحرير بداية ونهاية مقطع الفيديو
انقر فوق رموز التدريب التي تريد إضافة العبارة لها لمزيد من الدراسة
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
ابدأ التعلم
How you doing?
My name is Monica Reese.
I'm the investigating detective.
- Detective?
- Yeah. This is my wife, Sharon.
- She just got here.
- So you haven't told her?
Told me what?
Would you prefer to
talk to me in private?
- In private? What's happening, Derek?
- It's okay. Please, we can talk.
I've gone over the initial statement
you gave to the police on the scene.
I just need to clarify a few things,
Let's sit down.
Detective Reese, 0300 hours,
January 15th.
This young woman, Lisa Sheridan,
she works in your office?
Lisa the temp?
What happened to her?
Yeah, she tried to hurt herself.
Why? What? Well, what did she do?
Mrs. Charles, I'm sorry.
I need to get the story
in your husband's own words.
Apparently, so do I.
Mr. Charles, this Lisa Sheridan...
- Yeah,
she worked with us
two weeks.
What are you saying, you've only known her
for two weeks?
Approximately two weeks.
Long enough for her to fantasize
that you two were having an affair?
- What?
- No. No.
She came on to me
at the Christmas party...
...and then in the parking garage.
And then she showed up
at the retreat...
...at my hotel, and I rejected her.
And when... Excuse me.
And when you rejected her...
...she tried to commit suicide, naked,
in your bed, in your hotel room.
Wait, wait, wait. She was naked
in your bed, Derek?
- Mrs. Charles.
- She was naked in your hotel room?
- Mr. Charles, would you say this affair was...
- There was no affair, okay.
There was no affair.
So you're saying she made the whole thing up
in her head with no help from you?
That is exactly what I'm saying.
Why do you think she'd pick you?
I don't know. Maybe I said something
that she took the wrong way.
- Baby, come on.
- Like what? Like what?
What exactly did you say
that she took the
wrong way, Derek?
- I'm gonna have to ask you to le...
No, no, she's not going anywhere.
I didn't say anything to her.
I did not lead her on.
And you had no idea that she'd be
at the hotel?
I don't even know how she got
in my room.
She told the hotel clerk that she was your
wife and she wanted to surprise you.
- I have nothing to say to you.
- Stop, Sharon.
- Did you have sex with her?
- No, I did not...
...have sex with her.
Sharon, come on. I need for you and I
not to fall apart right now.
- Mr. Charles. Please.
- Hold on.
Just stay here.
Please just stay here.
Look, I don't care if you're doing
this girl or not.
I'm not doing this girl, okay?
Never have.
- Okay.
- Okay.
It's the doctor. I'll be right back.
I swear to God this is just a
- A misunderstanding.
A girl tries to kill herself because of
you, it's just a misunderstanding?
Do you really think that
i'm gonna believe that bullshit?
- Do you believe me?
- No, I don't believe you!
- You didn't even call your son back...
- Sharon, listen.
Seems they pumped her out in time.
Probably tomorrow they'll take her
out of the ICU...
...and take her up to the fifth floor
for psychiatric evaluation.
That's great news. Okay, thank you.
She was lucid enough to give a name
to the doctor in case of emergencies.
You still wanna stick to your story?
young - شاب
january - كانون الثاني
doctor - طبيب
investigating - التحقيق
hotel - الفندق
weeks - أسابيع
herself - نفسها
hours - ساعات
great - عظيم
scene - مشهد
having - وجود
charles - تشارلز
prefer - تفضل
garage - كراج
floor - أرضية
excuse - عذر
maybe - يمكن
derek - ديريك
monica - مونيكا
lucid - واضح
because - لان
approximately - تقريبا
happening - حدث
enough - كافية
statement - بيان
misunderstanding - سوء فهم
believe - يصدق
christmas - عيد الميلاد
listen - استمع
anywhere - في أى مكان
office - مكتب. مقر. مركز
bullshit - هراء
gonna - سوف
going - ذاهب
surprise - مفاجأة
wanted - مطلوب
initial - مبدئي
detective - المحقق
apparently - كما يبدو
tried - حاول
naked - عار
apart - بعيدا، بمعزل، على حد
really - هل حقا
swear - أقسم
clarify - وضح
rejected - مرفوض
happened - حدث
clerk - موظف كتابي
anything - اى شى
emergencies - حالات الطوارئ
fantasize - تخيل
wanna - اريد
would - سيكون
never - أبدا
nothing - لا شيئ
thing - شيء
parking - موقف سيارات
retreat - تراجع
party - حفل
please - رجاء
affair - قضية
exactly - بالضبط
works - أعمال
police - شرطة
reese - ريس
private - نشر
probably - المحتمل
fifth - خامس
pumped - ضخت
tomorrow - غدا
commit - ارتكب
right - حق
seems - يبدو
stick - عصا
sorry - معذرة
sharon - شارون
sheridan - شيريدان
doing - فعل
thank - شكر
showed - أظهر
something - شيئا ما
psychiatric - طبيب عقلي متعلق بطب النفس
still - ما يزال
evaluation - تقييم
suicide - انتحار
there - هناك
things - أشياء
think - يفكر
story - قصة
tries - يحاول
saying - قول
woman - النساء
whole - كامل
words - كلمات
worked - عمل
known - معروف
wrong - خطأ
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
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