Tanulj igazi angolt filmekből és könyvekből!
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Tanulás elkezdése
On your own? You fucking idiot. On your own?
Well, this could be devastating for us.
If the borough connects us to it, what'll happen - we're out of business
and we could all go to jail.
I should never have let him go down there with you.
It's gonna be all right. Leo's gone.
Nobody knows he was working for us.
They're not gonna stop investigating.
What, do you think there's a statute of limitations for a murder case?
Who killed the yardmaster? Was it Leo?
I understand. You're trying to protect your friend.
Frank, we're gonna have to distance ourselves from your nephew,
issue a denial to say that he never worked here.
I'll talk to the accountants, make sure they didn't file any W-2s.
I'll also put out a statement
we're all very saddened by the turn of events, etc and so forth.
Please, none of that's gonna hold.
At some point it's gonna lead back to us.
What we have to do is talk to this cop,
see what it'll take to make him remember things differently.
Tonight's the borough president's party. I'll talk to Seymour,
see if it's something we could pursue.
I thought I could help.
I thought I was gonna help him.
I'm sorry.
yardmaster - yardmaster
worked - dolgozott
knows - tudja
limitations - korlátozások
investigating - vizsgáló
friend - barát
sorry - sajnálom
idiot - idióta
nobody - senki
gonna - fog
forth - tovább
saddened - elszomorította
right - jobb
issue - probléma
frank - őszinte
business - üzleti
differently - eltérően
happen - történik
accountants - könyvelők
denial - tagadás
please - kérem
connects - összeköt
understand - megért
murder - gyilkosság
fucking - kibaszott
borough - kerület
devastating - pusztító
nephew - unokaöcs
working - dolgozó
could - tudott
events - események
trying - megpróbálja
statute - törvény
never - soha
seymour - Seymour
ourselves - minket
party - party
pursue - folytat
point - pont
protect - véd
killed - elesett
should - kellene
remember - emlékezik
distance - távolság
something - valami
things - dolgok
think - gondol
statement - nyilatkozat
there - ott
thought - gondolat
Kattints egy szóra vagy jelölj ki egy mondatot, hogy lásd a fordítást.
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