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How sweet!
- Right?
- Just cute. Christian?
Oh... Don't swipe left.
I was thinking Lonnie and I wouldn't
get to spend Christmas together
because of his grandma.
- Cheryl?
- Oh! Shit!
Hey, Ca... Cameron, you and Niya take
your sister downstairs.
Finish your meal
down there, okay?
- But I didn't even get to see the pictures
- Now!
I need to see these pictures.
- Listen.
- You get your plate.
And you get yours. And your napkin.
See? I always get treated like this.
- ...these children nowadays.
- ...never get to see stuff.
Sonya, you gotta take
more control.
It is not fair.
Be on back.
Is that oil?
I Skyped you.
- Thank...
- Wait for me.
Here we go.
Your Grandma Cheryl.
It's obvious that she
misunderstood what I said.
You said your grandmother was sick,
and you had to take care of her.
And I love that about you, baby.
So proud of you.
Where is she? I would love
to meet your grandma.
- I'd love to meet Grandma Cheryl.
- No, baby.
You don't want
to meet Grandma Cheryl.
You know what?
I'll get Grandma.
Baby, aunt May going to ask you
not to go get Grandma.
Don't disturb Grandma.
I think it's the perfect time
for it.
I'ma ask that
you let Grandma rest
because every time Grandma come out,
some different starts to happen.
We don't have to impress
nobody with Grandma.
Walter, your old ass need to do some.
Now, you sitting there like
you don't hear this shit.
Lonnie, you don't want her
to get Grandma.
Christian! Let's go in the kitchen.
How about that?
I'm good.
Auntie May, let's go
make some kimchi balls.
Hey, Lonnie. Can't help you.
Baby, did I say something wrong?
You said a lot of things wrong.
You want to meet Grandma?
Well, here she is.
Oh, my gosh!
Cheryl Chery! Chery! Wait!
Hey! You all knew who Grandma was!
That's not Grandma!
This is ridiculous!
Somebody say something!
- Lonnie, what the hell is going on?
- Shut up!
I'm his wife, you dumb bitch.
Who you calling a dumb bitch?
You! You dumb bitch, young
bitch, silly bitch, dead bitch.
She got the gun, bitch.
Lonnie, if you're going to bring
bitches in here, bring a smart bitch.
Give me that rifle,
- ...and give it to me right now!
- Stay out of this, Christian.
Christian, get her!
I'm too old for this shit.
Oh, shit! Shit!
Christian, stop her.
Cheryl,Cheryl, please, Cheryl.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Cheryl, drop the gun.
Cheryl, you're not going
to shoot me.
You're not going to shoot me outside
in front of all these people.
- You just not
- Cheryl, please! Enough!
- Walter.
- Okay.Okay. That's enough.
- Shit! You shot me!
- Please. Enough.
She's the best shot
in the family, Lonnie.
If she wanted to shoot
your ass, she would have.
wrong - sbagliato
together - insieme
thinking - pensiero
think - pensare
thank - ringraziare
swipe - rubare
stuff - cose
spend - trascorrere
sonya - sonya
something - qualcosa
somebody - qualcuno
smart - inteligente
starts - inizia
sitting - seduta
silly - sciocco
right - destra
rifle - fucile
proud - orgoglioso
treated - trattati
balls - palle
enough - abbastanza
nowadays - al giorno d'oggi
impress - impressionare
sister - sorella
disturb - disturbare
misunderstood - frainteso
auntie - zia
different - diverso
front - davanti
christmas - natale
where - dove
christian - cristiano
children - bambini
plate - piatto
cheryl - cheryl
family - famiglia
bring - portare
these - queste
gotta - devo
every - dejte pozor
because - perché
always - sempre
chery - chery
perfect - perfezionare
pictures - immagini
about - di
downstairs - piano di sotto
bitch - cagna
calling - chiamata
yours - il tuo
walter - walter
there - là
shoot - sparare
cameron - cameron
finish - finire
wanted - ricercato
going - andando
bitches - femmine
listen - ascolta
control - controllo
grandmother - nonna
happen - accadere
would - voluto
nobody - nessuno
lonnie - lonnie
kimchi - kimchi
napkin - tovagliolo
young - giovane
grandma - nonna
never - mai
skyped - skyped
obvious - evidente
ridiculous - ridicolo
kitchen - cucina
outside - al di fuori
things - cose
sweet - dolce
people - persone
please - per favore
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