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Hand over the milk money, Weaver.
I'm afraid, I can't do that, Derek.
I'm just not sure you'll spend it on milk.
That's me, Mitch Weaver.
That's Sam, my lifelong best friend.
I never had a dad growing up, so Sam's dad Pops tried to fill in a little.
He was a boxer, real tough guy.
One thing to remember in life, no matter where you go
no matter what you do....
don't take no crap from nobody.
I never liked the guy, but he was right about not taking crap.
Wow! My dad sure is great.
Hey, do you know where he hides his guns?
Don't worry.
We just planted the guns in the bully's desk so he'd get in trouble.
It wasn't me!
Let me go! They weren't mine!
We always did stuff like that, get back at people who messed with us.
Like there was this crossing guard used to grab all the kids' asses.
Back then people weren't on the lookout for that kind of thing.
The only way to nail a guy like that was to catch him red-handed.
That's where the Super Glue came in.
Hey, look, everybody! Crossing guard's grabbing 8-year-old's ass over here!
And we really got back at this ornery baby-sitter we didn't like.
After all these years, this picture still makes me horny.
I mean, wistful! It makes me wistful.
When I was 16, the saddest event of my life occurred.
My mom died.
Everyone did their best to console me, particularly Aunt Jenny.
It wasn't easy, because I'm not comfortable expressing my...
What do you call them? Emotions?
Anyways, I learned to express myself in other ways.
I started making little notes to myself.
Note to self.
Remember, Aunt Jenny is your aunt.
Then there was this character we had to deal with.
She thought just because she was a meter maid...
that she had the right to go around giving everybody parking tickets.
That's where the popcorn came in handy.
In high school, I still didn't take crap from anyone, man or beast.
But this Doberman would always chase us.
So we borrowed my cousin's huge German shepherd...
who also happens to be gay.
Taught that Doberman some humility.
worry - preoccupazione
weaver - tessitore
tried - provato
thought - pensato
thing - cosa
taught - insegnato
stuff - cose
still - ancora
sitter - baby-sitter
wistful - sognante
shepherd - pastore
tough - difficile
there - là
school - scuola
remember - ricorda
popcorn - popcorn
planted - piantato
started - iniziato
people - persone
where - dove
particularly - soprattutto
parking - parcheggio
notes - gli appunti
would - voluto
nobody - nessuno
money - i soldi
mitch - mitch
messed - incasinato
matter - importa
ornery - ornery
occurred - si è verificato
making - fabbricazione
emotions - emozioni
spend - trascorrere
comfortable - confortevole
trouble - guaio
catch - catturare
taking - presa
beast - bestia
anyways - in ogni modo
borrowed - preso in prestito
doberman - doberman
boxer - pugile
hides - nasconde
right - destra
crossing - attraversamento
other - altro
event - evento
about - di
meter - metro
asses - asini
their - loro
saddest - più triste
anyone - chiunque
growing - in crescita
horny - corneo
never - mai
afraid - impaurito
console - consolle
really - veramente
everyone - tutti
giving - dando
chase - inseguire
liked - è piaciuto
after - dopo
tickets - Biglietti
these - queste
derek - derek
picture - immagine
character - carattere
great - grande
years - anni
jenny - asina
around - in giro
learned - imparato
myself - me stessa
because - perché
everybody - tutti
express - esprimere
expressing - esprimendo
friend - amico
always - sempre
grabbing - afferrando
handed - consegnato
super - super
makes - fa
handy - a portata di mano
happens - accade
guard - guardia
humility - umiltà
lifelong - per tutta la vita
little - piccolo
german - tedesco
lookout - attenzione
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