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Knowing - Solar Flare (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Hey, John, what happened?

    Talk to me. What happened?

    I've been calling you off the hook
    ever since I heard about the subway.

    Do you remember that paper
    on extra-solar activity I published?

    Yeah, sure, I remember.

    I found evidence of a
    series of super-flares

    from a star in the
    outer-Pleiades region.

    Right. Ratings were off the chart.

    We were both wrong.
    The numbers are a warning,

    but not just to me or any random group.

    They're a warning to everyone.

    Okay. You're officially scaring
    the shit out of
    me right now.

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