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Hey, John, what happened?
Talk to me. What happened?
I've been calling you off the hook
ever since I heard about the subway.
Do you remember that paper
on extra-solar activity I published?
Yeah, sure, I remember.
I found evidence of a
series of super-flares
from a star in the
outer-Pleiades region.
Right. Ratings were off the chart.
We were both wrong.
The numbers are a warning,
but not just to me or any random group.
They're a warning to everyone.
Okay. You're officially scaring
the shit out of me right now.
The super-flare, in our own solar system.
A 100 microtesla wave of radiation
that would destroy our
ozone layer
killing every living organism
on the planet.
We have to let everyone know.
We have to call the NOAA.
They already know.
The announcement will come anytime now.
I thought there was some purpose
to all of this.
Why did I get this prediction
if there's nothing I can do about it?
How am I supposed
to stop the end of the world?
Go home, Phil. Be with Kim tonight.
would - voluto
world - mondo
warning - avvertimento
tonight - stasera
system - sistema
supposed - ipotetico
microtesla - microtesla
killing - uccisione
heard - sentito
organism - organismo
happened - è accaduto
activity - attività
group - gruppo
about - di
ozone - ozono
flare - bagliore
right - destra
purpose - scopo
flares - razzi
numbers - numeri
officially - ufficialmente
region - regione
extra - extra
remember - ricorda
evidence - prova
found - trovato
everyone - tutti
solar - solare
subway - metropolitana
there - là
announcement - annuncio
anytime - in qualsiasi momento
destroy - distruggere
already - già
every - dejte pozor
calling - chiamata
planet - pianeta
living - vita
layer - strato
thought - pensato
outer - esterno
scaring - spaventare
chart - grafico
nothing - niente
paper - carta
wrong - sbagliato
pleiades - pleiadi
prediction - predizione
series - serie
published - pubblicato
radiation - radiazione
random - casuale
ratings - giudizi
since - da
super - super
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