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Hey, Skip.
Stacy. Have a seat, man.
I want to talk to you about something.
How you been?
Yeah? You all right?
Listen, man, you know it's not
about a team anymore. Yeah?
It's about you, man.
This is all gonna be about you.
I thought I wasn't a pirate.
Hey, man. I never said that, man.
I mean, did I?
You didn't even want me
on the team.
I was pushing you, man. Come on.
Listen, Skip.
I'm sorry, you know...
I've been talking to Larry--
I have these injection moulding
cavities coming in, man. Check it out.
I'm gonna hire night workers
and run this shop like a factory, man.
Just churn them out, one by one.
Well, is anyone else involved?
Hey, man, I can't be worried about
what everyone else is doing, you know?
I mean, I'm focused
on what I'm doing.
I'm gonna build hundreds
of skateboards a month...
...all with your name,
"Stacy Peralta."
Right there, next to "Zephyr."
What do you think, man?
So, what do you say, bro?
That's all right.
zephyr - zeffiro
worried - preoccupato
thought - pensato
talking - parlando
stacy - stacy
sorry - scusa
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
skateboards - skateboard
right - destra
peralta - peralta
everyone - tutti
workers - lavoratori
pirate - pirata
coming - venuta
anyone - chiunque
involved - coinvolti
larry - larry
moulding - modanatura
injection - iniezione
cavities - cavità
about - di
night - notte
churn - zangola
anymore - più
build - costruire
doing - fare
factory - fabbrica
there - là
pushing - spingendo
check - dai un'occhiata
focused - focalizzata
month - mese
gonna - andando
hundreds - centinaia
listen - ascolta
these - queste
never - mai
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