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the party is over as of this morning.
There's gonna be considerable turmoil
in the markets for the foreseeable future,
and they believe it is better that this turmoil begin with us.
As a result, the firm has decided to liquidate
its majority position of fixed income MBS today.
These are your packets.
You will see what accounts you're responsible for today.
I'm sure it hasn't taken you long to...
understand the implications of this sale
on your relationships with your counterparties and, as a result,
on your careers.
I have expressed this reality
to the executive committee, and they understand.
As a result, if you achieve a 93% sale of your assets,
you will receive a 1.4 million dollar one-off bonus.
If the floor as a whole achieves a 93% sale,
you will get an additional 1.3 million dollars apiece.
For those of you who have never been through this before,
this is what the beginning of a fire sale looks like.
I cannot begin to tell you how important the first hour and a half is gonna be.
I want you to hit every bite you can find.
Dealers, brokers, clients. Your mother, if she's buying.
And, no swaps.
It's outgoing only. Today.
Obviously, this is not going down the way that any of us would have hoped, but.
The ground is shifting below our feet,
and apparently there's no other way out.
this is obviously a very, very unique situation.
If we are successful today,
we will have been successful in destroying our own jobs.
I cannot promise that any of you, all of you,
some of you will be repositioned within the firm.
But I can tell you that I am very proud
of the work that we have done here together.
I've been at this place 34 years,
and I can tell you from experience that people are going to say
some very nasty things about what we do here today
and about what you've dedicated a portion of your lives to.
have faith that in the bigger picture,
our skills have not been wasted.
We have accomplished much,
and our talents have been used for the greater good.
Here's your packets. Get to work.
would - voluto
first - primo
ground - terra
years - anni
greater - maggiore
important - importante
lives - vite
gonna - andando
going - andando
dollars - dollari
floor - pavimento
faith - fede
begin - inizio
expressed - espresso
considerable - considerevole
executive - esecutivo
nasty - cattiva
foreseeable - prevedibile
dollar - dollaro
destroying - distruttivo
dealers - rivenditori
within - entro
counterparties - controparti
implications - implicazioni
hoped - sperato
additional - addizionale
apparently - apparentemente
obviously - ovviamente
turmoil - agitazione
party - partito
every - dejte pozor
receive - ricevere
result - risultato
brokers - broker
clients - clienti
income - reddito
through - attraverso
below - sotto
about - di
these - queste
beginning - inizio
experience - esperienza
accomplished - compiuto
promise - promettere
mother - madre
decided - deciso
believe - credere
better - meglio
talents - talenti
today - oggi
careers - carriere
assets - risorse
achieve - raggiungere
liquidate - zlikwidować
buying - acquisto
dedicated - dedito
bonus - indennità
cannot - non può
position - posizione
situation - situazione
looks - sembra
successful - riuscito
majority - maggioranza
other - altro
markets - [object Object]
together - insieme
million - milione
morning - mattina
responsible - responsabile
outgoing - estroverso
understand - capire
committee - comitato
never - mai
people - persone
before - prima
things - cose
apiece - al pezzo
picture - immagine
accounts - conti
place - posto
portion - porzione
proud - orgoglioso
reality - la realtà
relationships - relazioni
repositioned - riposizionato
shifting - mutevole
future - futuro
bigger - più grande
swaps - swap
wasted - sprecato
skills - abilità
taken - prese
fixed - fisso
those - quelli
achieves - Raggiunge
unique - unico
packets - pacchetti
whole - totale
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