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- Hey.
- Why were you talking to Janis Ian?
I don't know, I mean, she's so weird.
She just, you know,
came up to me
And started talking
to me about crack.
She's so pathetic.
Let me tell you something
about Janis Ian.
We were best friends
in middle school.
I know, right? It's so embarrassing.
I don't even--
Whatever. So then
in eighth grade,
I started going out
with my first boyfriend,
Kyle, who was totally gorgeous,
but then he moved to Indiana.
And Janis was, like,
weirdly jealous of him.
Like, if I would blow her off
to hang out with kyle,
She'd be like,
"why didn't you call me back?"
And I'd be like, "why are you
so obsessed with me?"
So then, for my birthday party,
Which was an all-girls pool party,
I was like,
"Janis, I can't invite you,
Because I think
you're a lesbian."
I mean, I couldn't have
a lesbian at my party.
There are gonna be girls there
in their bathing suits.
I mean, right?
She was a lesbian.
So then her mom called my mom
and started yelling at her.
It was so retarded.
And then she dropped out of school
Because no one would talk to her.
When she came back
in the fall for high school,
All of her hair was cut off
and she was totally weird and...
Now I guess she's on crack.
would - voluto
whatever - qualunque cosa
weirdly - stranamente
yelling - urlare
weird - strano
which - quale
totally - totalmente
there - là
their - loro
started - iniziato
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
right - destra
retarded - ritardato
pathetic - patetico
party - partito
moved - mosso
middle - in mezzo
talking - parlando
suits - tute
dropped - caduto
embarrassing - imbarazzante
crack - crepa
boyfriend - fidanzato
obsessed - ossessionato
about - di
bathing - bagnarsi
called - chiamato
girls - ragazze
school - scuola
eighth - ottavo
because - perché
birthday - compleanno
friends - amici
lesbian - lesbica
going - andando
gonna - andando
guess - indovina
first - primo
gorgeous - bellissima
grade - grado
invite - invitare
janis - Janis
indiana - Indiana
jealous - geloso
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