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Let me tell you a story.
The first story my father told me,
and the first story that I told each of you.
In the beginning, there was nothing.
Nothing but the silence of an infinite darkness.
But the breath of The Creator fluttered against the face of the void, whispering,
Let there be light.
And light was. And it was good.
The first day.
And then the formless light
began to take on substance and shape.
A second day.
And our world was born.
Our beautiful, fragile home.
And a great, warming light nurtured its days.
And a lesser light ruled the nights.
And there was evening. And morning.
Another day.
And the waters of the world gathered together,
and in their midst emerged dry land.
Another day passed.
And the ground put forth the growing things.
A thick blanket of green stretching across all Creation.
The waters, too, teemed with life.
Great creatures of the deep that are no more.
Vast multitudes of fish,
some of which may still swim beneath these seas.
And soon the sky was streaming with birds.
And there was evening.
And there was morning. A fifth day.
Now the whole world was full of living beings.
Everything that creeps, everything that crawls,
and every beast that walks upon the ground.
And it was good. It was all good.
There was light and air and water
and soil, all clean and unspoiled.
There were plants and fish and fowl and beast,
each after their own kind.
All part of the greater whole. All in their place.
And all was in balance. It was paradise.
A jewel in The Creator's palm.
Then The Creator made Man. And by his side, Woman.
Father and mother of us all.
He gave them a choice.
Follow the temptation of darkness
or hold on to the blessing of light.
But they ate from the forbidden fruit.
Their innocence was extinguished.
And so for the ten generations since Adam, sin
has walked within us.
Brother against brother.
Nation against nation.
Man against Creation.
We murdered each other.
We broke the world. We did this.
Man did this.
Everything that was beautiful,
everything that was good,
we shattered
Now, it begins again.
world - mondo
within - entro
whole - totale
generations - generazioni
gathered - si riunirono
clean - pulito
formless - informe
fluttered - svolazzavano
forbidden - proibito
ruled - governato
balance - equilibrio
father - padre
extinguished - estinto
everything - qualunque cosa
every - dejte pozor
evening - sera
emerged - emerse
shattered - distrutto
began - iniziato
again - ancora
beast - bestia
darkness - oscurità
blessing - benedizione
substance - sostanza
woman - donna
creator - creatore
these - queste
after - dopo
warming - riscaldamento
another - un altro
nurtured - nutrito
things - cose
creeps - brividi
beings - esseri
thick - denso
which - quale
greater - maggiore
beneath - sotto
teemed - brulicava
birds - uccelli
lesser - minore
begins - inizia
since - da
great - grande
light - leggero
breath - respiro
place - posto
broke - rotto
fifth - quinto
brother - fratello
across - attraverso
beginning - inizio
nothing - niente
beautiful - bellissimo
crawls - striscia
green - verde
ground - terra
silence - silenzio
infinite - infinito
innocence - innocenza
unspoiled - incontaminata
nights - notti
growing - in crescita
jewel - gioiello
together - insieme
multitudes - moltitudini
blanket - coperta
nation - nazione
forth - via
creation - creazione
other - altro
against - contro
paradise - paradiso
morning - mattina
choice - scelta
passed - passato
second - secondo
shape - forma
still - ancora
first - primo
story - storia
fragile - fragile
stretching - allungamento
temptation - tentazione
follow - segui
midst - mezzo
plants - piante
their - loro
fruit - frutta
creatures - creature
murdered - assassinato
streaming - streaming
there - là
walked - camminava
walks - passeggiate
water - acqua
mother - madre
living - vita
waters - acque
whispering - sussurrio
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